/ / Prospect Kosmonavtov - a beautiful area of ​​the city

Prospect Kosmonavtov - a beautiful area of ​​the city

Ekaterinburg is an administrative, cultural andscientific and educational center of the Ural region. This city is called the capital of the Urals. It contains the main transport routes from Central Russia to Siberia. In addition, this city is a strategically important center of Russia, which still provides a link between Europe and Asia. Here, beautiful nature, a favorable climate and many different entertainment establishments. Therefore, tourists prefer to come to this city, to see the sights and all the beautiful places. The Prospect Kosmonavtov is also popular with tourists, where there are various trendy café bars, beauty salons, disco bars, churches, modern hotels, squares, etc.

Prospect Kosmonavtov Yekaterinburg

All streets of the district are well lit in the evening andnight time, so you can walk at least until the morning through the spacious and beautiful streets. It is worth noting that the Prospectus of Cosmonauts is the terminal metro station in the city. The avenue itself is an important transport artery that connects the northern outskirts and suburbs with the central part of the city. Therefore, every tourist can easily get from this avenue to any area by metro or other transport.

Many apartments are rented here, and people,who come on business trips on business or have a rest, can rent accommodation at low prices. At the same time you can feel at home, because living in an apartment is very different from living in a hotel where staff can constantly interfere. In general, the Prospectus of Cosmonauts is a modern district of Yekaterinburg with a developed infrastructure. Many officials come here for negotiations.

Cosmonaut Avenue

In this place there is also an industrial zone - these are differentfactories, factories and enterprises. There is a big concentration of enterprises, that's why they come here on a business trip to solve important production issues. Prospect Kosmonavtov is a powerful industrial area that stretches from the western to the eastern border of the city.

During the whole year a lot of people come herestudents who are already being trained or just entering higher education. Recently new buildings of the Ural Pedagogical University have been built, where many future teachers, teachers and philosophers will be trained. Skyscraper "Vysotsky" or the former "Antey-3", a bridge passing through the railway line, beautiful parks, a lot of green trees, convenient shops - all this Prospect Kosmonavtov. Yekaterinburg is a very beautiful city, in which there are many similar areas, and all tourists come to see them to learn about all the beautiful sights.

Prospekt Kosmonavtov 14

In the city there are large buildings in whichthere are various objects. For example, Prospect Cosmonauts 14 - this building, which houses a technical school of road transport and service, dining room of this educational institution and public catering Snab. Any object can be reached by car or public transport. Also close to this district are the Uralmash, Ural and Mashinostroiteley metro stations.

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