/ / Children's camp "Lesnoy" (Sudak) invites children to relax by the sea

Children's camp "Lesnoy" (Sudak) invites children to relax by the sea

In the south-eastern part of the Crimean peninsula is located the ancient city of Sudak. In its vicinity is the children's health camp Lesnoy. Read more about it below.


Crimea is known for its health resorts and holiday homes.Thanks to the wonderful climate and rich nature, it has long been a place where Russians spend their holidays and improve their health, residents of the near and far abroad countries. There is everything - the sea, mountains, green groves, waterfalls, caves, many attractions. It is in the Crimea is the children's camp "Forest". Sudak is a city in the vicinity of which this complex is located. Namely in the picturesque tract of Kub-Kola, twelve kilometers from the resort.

camp of forest zander

The mountain-park zone surrounds the camp from all sides, its territory directly covers an area of ​​15 hectares, which is planted with coniferous and deciduous trees - oaks, hornbeams, pines, magnolias.

Accommodation, accommodation

The camp "Lesnoy" (Sudak) is designed for simultaneous stay of up to 400 children aged 9 to 15 years. The units are formed by 24 people.

Children live in houses of 24 people (each house has 6 rooms, they accommodate 4 people) or in a large 4-storey building (for 8-10 people in the room).

Each room has a minimal set of furniture fromwood or chipboard - beds, bedside tables, built-in lockers or clothes hangers, table and chairs. The houses are equipped with verandas. Amenities - toilet, washbasin and showers - on the street, in the immediate vicinity of the children's place of residence. Cold water is served throughout the day, hot - once a day, in the evening. Linen varies three times - on the day of arrival of the children and twice during the shift.

children's camp of forest zander

Camp "Lesnoy" (Sudak) has on its territory a 60-bed hostel, where parents (accompanying) can stay for an additional fee. Rooms here are 1-, 2-, 3-bedded, conveniences on the floor.

As can be seen from the description, the camp "Lesnoy" (Sudak) can not boast of luxurious living conditions. This is a budget option: everything is strict and simple.


The camp "Lesnoy" (Sudak) has such facilities on its territory:

  • an outdoor swimming pool of medium size, it is filled with fresh water;

children's camp in pike perch forest reviews

  • summer and indoor cinemas, where in the evenings children are shown cartoons and interesting films;
  • climbing wall;
  • basketball and volleyball courts, tennis court;
  • good football field;
  • tables for billiards, table tennis;
  • obstacle course;
  • contact zoo, where small animals live, which can be fed, ironed, picked up; children enjoy spending time here;
  • own beach with small pebbles and a light sand.

The territory of the camp is closed, it is guarded around the clock. A visit to the parents is organized on a special day.

Nutrition, leisure

Leisure in the camp is organized well:1-2 times a day children are carried to the seaside, which is located ten kilometers from the complex, counselors and tutors conduct games, competitions, relay races, sports competitions, paintball tournaments. For those who want to work different mugs - pottery, drawing, burning wood. Every day discos are held here, several times a week - themed parties.

On rare cloudy days, you can visit the library or games room.

Children are taken on excursions around the Crimea: the program includes a visit to the New World, Kara-Dag, Feodosia, the Genoese fortress, the Old Crimea.

reviews of the forest camp in pike perch

The food in the camp is organized 5 times a day. Fresh vegetables and fruits are served daily.

Shifts, tours, reviews about the camp

"Forest" in Sudak rest organizes with 06.06 to 22.08 in 4 shifts for 18 days. The cost of staying a day should be clarified with the administration, but approximately it is 1500 rubles. The price includes accommodation, meals, leisure, excursions. If desired, parents can arrange insurance for the child at an additional cost.

For the registration of a voucher, the following documents are required:

  • the birth certificate of the child;
  • certificate of vaccinations;
  • insurance certificate (policy);
  • documents of parents (guardians);
  • certificate of epidemiological environment.

Every summer the boys and girls are waiting for childrenthe camp in Sudak. "Forest" reviews are different: from enthusiastic to negative. Positively evaluated leisure and work with children, many are dissatisfied with living conditions and nutrition.

It is worth remembering that this complex is a budgetoption where for a small fee children can live two and a half weeks in the Crimea at sea, breathe clean air, have fun, make new friends.

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