David Ogilvy, the most famous founder of advertisingagency Ogilvy & Mather, a professional author of advertising and presentation texts, one of the most successful advertisers of the 20th century. Professionals in the field of advertising market research recognize that he is the "father of advertising", since his ability to present goods to the public in an easy way, while developing a cliche for the development of all advertising, is unique. In 1962, the famous magazine Time called Ogilvy "the most sought-after magician of the modern advertising industry."
The future "father of advertising" was born on June 23, 1911near London and was the youngest, fifth child in the family. Since his early childhood, David was concerned about the problem of earnings. But the parents believed that the young man needed to learn. Higher education David Ogilvy did not have. In 1984, answering the question of his young nephew about the necessity of studying at the university, he cited several different points of view, giving the young man the right to choose. The society needs leaders - he believed and argued that a successful career can be done without obtaining a diploma. He came to this conclusion, after studying a bit in Edinburgh and Oxford, but soon began to work and left the idea of getting an education.
In the 20 th century, advertising activities wereextremely in demand. Gradually advertising became one of the leading ways to conquer markets. However, the advertising industry, like many other industries, needed to be managed, ideas needed, it was necessary to be a communicable, talented organizer, to be able to feel the consumer thinly, to know what society wants, what it pays attention to, than "breathes." Out of hundreds of thousands of people in the advertising industry, the ability to present correctly the goods was not from many specialists. Already elderly David Ogilvy self-critically described his entry into the advertising industry: he was unemployed, without experience, without education, already at a decent age, knew nothing about marketing and had no idea how to write advertising texts. But there was an agency that took a risk and took it to work.
And in three years, David Ogilvy knew about advertisingalmost everything, he became the most famous author of advertising texts in the world, an advertising agent and a manager. Today, till now, his ideas determine the course of one of the largest advertising agencies in the world, and also influence the formation of new generations of advertisers. The advertisement of David Ogilvy was not only easy in content, but also became a part of culture and asked models for the future. He was able to intuitively find the best methods for selling products. His services began to be valued very expensive, and his career could be envied by any advertiser.
According to David Ogilvy, whose biographyis connected with advertising, for success in this area of activity it is necessary to have such qualities as self-criticism, leadership skills, analytical mindset, creativity. It was this set that helped David Ogilvy to make a career in this industry. Life experience and natural writing talent not only pushed him into the advertising business, but also encouraged to write advertising texts. In fact, he became the first famous professional copywriter. David Ogilvy on advertising understood much more than others and knew how to find the details that make it successful and promising.
In 1948, David Ogilvy opens an agencyHewitt, Ogilvy, Benson & Mather. The agency does not have a single client at the time of opening and consists of a couple of people. However, in just a couple of years, the company has become a recognized leader in the advertising services market. The annual turnover of the agency has amounted to more than ten billion dollars, and the head of the company was recognized as America's greatest copywriter. The advertising agency Ogilvy & Mather was created on professional principles, which fully reflected the life experience, vision and ideas of David Ogilvy himself. He was a born seller, understood that advertising should first of all sell, and knew many tricks and tricks that increase sales. In a fairly short time, David Ogilvy took a strong place in the advertising industry. Among the clients of Ogilvy & Mather in different years were companies such as Schweppes, Rolls Royce, DHL, Coca Cola Company, IBM, The New York Times, Adidas and many others.
All your knowledge, the entire fund of advertising boards andits successful creation, the great advertiser laid out in his works, which entered the gold fund of world advertology and American culture. With the help of many tips from David Ogilvy, the product was not only sold, but also became fashionable and popular. The most valuable and important for any novice advertiser, copywriter, is the book "Revelations of an advertising agent." This work is translated into 14 languages of the world, its cumulative circulation makes more than one million copies.
Today, every novice advertiser shouldStart your journey into the profession to read this book. Ogilvy in it reveals the secrets of the advertising world, makes it clear how to win customers, tells about what distinguishes a good selling text. The book will also help those who have not decided to the end who he wants to be in this life, to understand whether the profession of the advertiser is suitable for them. David Ogilvy frankly talks about all the advantages and disadvantages of this profession.