/ / What is consciousness?

What is consciousness?

The human psyche is different in that the latter,except hereditary and acquired forms of behavior, has a new means of orientation in the world around him - knowledge representing a certain experience, transmitted through speech. Considering what consciousness is, one can say that this is a set of knowledge, it is the formed higher form of reflection of reality in the form of a subjective model of the surrounding world. This is the mental state of human life, which is expressed in the experience of life events and the report about them to yourself.

Revealing the question of what consciousness is,it should be noted that it is changing, that is, not static. Thus, we are talking about a process that leads to the emergence of models of perception of reality, which in turn are also not static, but change with the development of a person, a reinterpretation of the past experience and its generalization. These models are unique for each person, expressed in the form of sensations and can be verbally reproduced.

So, what is consciousness?This is a system of self-regulation, the basis of which is represented in the form of value orientations. It has some specific features: the ability to reflect the relationships that are most important at a certain moment, the ability to identify the goals of activity, reflect the world through a system of positions and knowledge, build a model of one's personality based on interaction with reality (self-awareness).

During the formation and development of the psychethe interaction of man with the objects of the material world becomes the basis of mental internal actions, as a result of which internal manipulation of images takes place. This transition is called interiorization. With its help, a person models relationships between different objects and learns to foresee the results of these actions in advance. Thus, the formed mental operations begin to regulate the external. Therefore, all the conscious actions of man are a consequence of the activities of his psyche.

Consider such concepts as moral consciousness and social.

The latter include religion, science, ideology, art. Various changes that occur in social relations lead to changes in the subject of social consciousness.

Moral consciousness - awareness by manethical definitions and concepts. It considers the actions of people on the part of their moral values ​​and values. Morality in itself offers a choice between evil and good, which makes a person, guided by its principles.

Thus, moral consciousness is the sum of norms, demands and prohibitions that act as a regulator of human behavior and activity.

Man is arranged so that he can live usingfour states of consciousness. So, one he uses when he sleeps, the second when he is awake. The third state can be called self-consciousness, and the fourth - the objective consciousness, which is inaccessible, because it is achieved only through the awareness of the person himself.

In philosophy and psychology, it is generally accepted thatthe person, developing self-consciousness, achieves the so-called higher emotional function, and at the time when the state of objective consciousness comes, it acquires a different function - the higher intellectual one. However, it should be understood that the functions and states of consciousness exist independently of each other.

So, what is consciousness?This is the sphere that determines human behavior. It is the basis of everything that a person does, is an integral part of his existence. Developing and improving, a person is able to reach such a state of consciousness when the higher intellectual function is manifested.

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