/ Obsessions. Causes and prevention

Obsessive thoughts. Causes and prevention

In difficult periods of their lives, most peoplebegins to suffer from obsessive thoughts. They cling to the mind of a man who is trying to survive the death of a loved one ... What are obsessions? These are false ideas that gradually capture the human mind. Consciousness of people is constantly exposed to attacks of such thoughts, but in a critical situation, this onslaught can be multiplied many times. This prevents a sober and correct assessment of the situation, reduces the quality of activities and life, prevents properly build plans and implement them. Because of such thoughts, it is difficult for a person to concentrate and find additional forces to overcome problems. Obsessive thoughts exhaust and lead to despair, distorting the reality that a person begins to accept as reality.

What can cause obsessive thoughts?

  • loss of a loved one or a friend;
  • a strong quarrel in the family, conflict at work;
  • compulsion to perform any undesirable actions;
  • strong fright.

What kind of obsessive thoughts can appear in a person experiencing grief?

  • in life there is no more good, I have only to endure and live;
  • I do not want to live anymore, I want to live with it;
  • more from me no one will be;
  • I do not need anyone else, I became a burden;
  • it's my fault;
  • there is no more joy, now there will be only a struggle for survival;
  • there is no meaning in life.

These thoughts penetrate into consciousness and not for a secondrelease a person. At times, they deprive him of sleep, joy, food, stability. Obsessive thoughts begin to control the behavior, desires, communication and free time of their victim. Do not let her get out of a woeful state.

Obsessive thoughts are a mental disorder?

There are a number of mental illnesses (obsessiveneurosis, depression), in which thoughts of an obsessive nature are present. With these ailments there is only one possibility of cure - pharmacotherapy. In this case, you should contact a qualified doctor. Fortunately, almost all people who suffer from obsessive thoughts do not have pathological disorders.

What is the nature of these thoughts?

Science says that obsessive thoughts (otherthe name of the obsession) is the incessant repetition of undesirable doubts, ideas, memories, actions and fears that can not be got rid of by strong-willed effort. In these thoughts, the real problem is distorted and enlarged. In this case, there are usually a few thoughts that after a while are lining up in a vicious circle.

What can not a person who suffers from obsessive thoughts do?

  • forbid yourself to think about anything;
  • go to psychiatrists.Thoughts of an obsessive nature are not a disease. In Russia, a psychiatrist is required to prescribe to the patient with an obsession psychotropic substances that can subsequently cause addiction and side effects. In addition, such treatment does not solve the essence of the problem, but only dampens the symptoms for a while.
  • to be angry at yourself.After all, obsessive thoughts in one way or another come absolutely to all people. The difference is only how much weight a person attaches to these thoughts. If it is a question of any habit, then it can be eliminated without medication.

But you can not run this state. After all, in the absence of proper attention, in addition to obsessive thoughts, the neurosis of compulsive movements can also develop.

Prevention of obsessive thoughts:

  • it is necessary to allocate time for rest;
  • proper nutrition, walks in the fresh air - all this contributes to the improvement of mental health;
  • an interesting occupation, a hobby.

Obsessive thoughts are not a problem, if it's right toto treat him. We must carefully watch for ourselves, try not to fall into despair. If you are worried about any question or problem, it is better to discuss it with the boss or with a family member in advance, and in no case delay until the quarrel. After all, any mental trauma can lead to the appearance of obsessive thoughts or movements.

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