/ / How to develop logical thinking in children and adults: a review of methods

How to develop logical thinking in children and adults: a review of methods

Every day a person has to solve all sorts of problemsproblems, analyze and compare the facts. We rarely think about how these skills can be developed and improved. Some believe that it's too late, others refer to the lack of time and energy. Today the article will discuss how to develop logical thinking in adults and children. But first let's see what kind of concept it is.

What is logical thinking?

To understand what kind of phenomenon, it is necessary to pay attention to its components - logic and thinking. Let's consider each separately.

Thinking is a mental process, as a resultwhich carries out the processing of information, establish relationships between phenomena, events, objects. Very much influences subjectivity, personal attitude to something, to anyone. Logic leads our thinking to objectivity. That is, it is the science of correct, accurate and true thinking. It has its own laws, forms and methods. It relies on experience and knowledge, as well as on common sense.

Logical thinking is a process, as a resultwhich we resort to concepts that are based on discretion and evidence. The end result is a reasonable conclusion, which was obtained on the basis of specific assumptions.

Logical thinking is a process

Scientists distinguish three types of logical reasoning:

  • Figuratively-logical - the situation seems to be lost by the imagination, images of objects or features of phenomena are recalled.
  • Abstract - objects, images or connections that are not in reality are involved.
  • Verbal form - people share their logical conclusions and conclusions with others. An important role is played by literate speech and a propensity for analysis.

How can logic be useful in life? What is it for?

The ability to think coherently is necessary for everyone, regardless of the type of activity and occupation.

If you regularly train and develop logical thinking, memory, then it will help:

  • Even in non-standard situations, make quick, accurate and correct conclusions.
  • Correct your mistakes and omissions.
  • Adequately calculate the strength.
  • Emko and clearly state their findings.
  • Persuade, arguing.
  • Evidence is blamable.

With advanced logical thinking, a person is not afraid of difficulties, he will confidently achieve success in all spheres of life, boldly climb the career ladder.

Is it an inborn gift or acquired wealth?

The ability to logical conclusions, according to psychologists and other experts, is a trait that people acquire. No one is born with a logic already formed.

Even the most elementary level (figurative-logical) appears in children by a year and a half, this is the time when children begin to analyze everything that surrounds them, and to separate the important from the secondary.

Logical thinking is an acquired skill

These skills in science are called empirical, thenthey are acquired as a result of experience. But often in life they are supplemented by patterns and stereotypes, which are implanted by the environment and society as a whole. This is how the capacities for critical thinking are lost.

Everyone can develop a logicalthinking. How to do it? First of all, it is necessary to strive to reach the abstract level. We often talk about non-existent objects, phenomena, but do not think about how our logic is working hard at this time. Teachers and scientists confirm that the experience and training perfectly develop the logic, even if the person is very far from multilevel inferences and reflections. The main desire.

Is it possible to develop logic in adults?

Of course, it is possible and necessary. The main thing is to defeat laziness.We always have no time, and not everyone agrees to spend their valuable time on self-development. But there is nothing complicated, and not much time is spent if it is properly organized. Many tasks that develop logical thinking can be performed together with relatives and close people.

Such collective exercises not only help develop, but also emotionally bring people together.

How to train the brain?

To do this, there are a lot of tricks. So, ways to develop logical thinking in an adult:

  • Tasks.

There are a lot of them, but it’s best to start withthe simplest. You can find them in books devoted to logic. The complexity should be increased gradually, only after they were convinced that the previous level is not difficult.

The form of the task, developing logical thinking, can be from riddles to full-fledged tasks. You should not hurry, you need to consider all possible solutions.

It happens that light levels pass quickly, and then there are difficulties. Need to rest, and there is a solution. At the very beginning, you can pry answers.

In many large companies, especiallyit is common abroad, at interviews, candidates are given logical problems, and both the speed of the decision and the ability to argue the answer are evaluated. Therefore, it is necessary to work on logic.

Board games develop logical thinking
  • Board games that develop logical thinking.

The very first thing that comes to mind is chess.A game that requires thoughtfulness, prudence, slowness. You can do anywhere and with anyone. It is better to learn from a stronger opponent, he will be able to show fast and effective combinations.

There are other games available for sale the whole thematic sets. With their help, you can have a great time with friends, family and children.

  • Tests

There are a lot of such tasks too.Some of them come with a countdown, but this should not be embarrassing. For all, the principle is “cause - effect”. Tasks sometimes seem difficult, since the answers are designed so that any one is suitable, but only one is correct.

  • Rebuses and crosswords.

The easiest option in this group of logical tasks is the usual crossword puzzles in which it is necessary to fill all the cells with words, when solving them, memory and logic are activated.

Crossword sudoku more difficult verbal.It is necessary to fill the cells in each 3x3 square (there are 9) with numbers from 1 to 9, but so that they meet once, and the same condition is in the lines and in the bars. Start better with the simplest.

No less interesting occupation are graphic crossword puzzles. They have a solution in the form of a picture, which is obtained if the cells are correctly shaded (based on the indicated numbers).

How to develop logical thinking in children

Recently, children are moving away from live communication inthe world of computer games and become addicted to them. It is necessary to introduce the habit of joint family educational games, which will distract them from the virtual world.

how to develop logic in children

In the development of logic in children, their age should be taken into account and, depending on it, the method should be selected:

  • For children under 3 years of age, visibility and simplicity are important. At this age, the foundations are laid, the child learns to distinguish colors, different things and objects.
  • Verbal-figurative logic is fixed from 3 to 4 years. The best way of development at this age is drawing with one extra item.
  • Before school it is necessary to carry out tasks with a child with numbers, question and speech games. Well develop logical thinking math and counting.
  • After 7 years, all tasks should be sent to improve speech skills, to develop the ability to generalize, analyze. During this period, you must go to abstractions.

For children to be interested, classes are needed.carry out in a game form and take into account their individual interests and inclinations. If the child is difficult, tasks need to be simplified. You can prompt him to help draw conclusions, and the most important rule - no notation.

Ways to develop children's logic

Children enjoy spending time with their parents,they love to play and fool around with them. Therefore, it is easy to combine exercises with the game. In addition, the time spent with the child will strengthen the emotional connection with him and trust. So, the ways to develop children's logic:

  • Puzzles.

Of course, they must be age-appropriate; the child must know which objects or phenomena are being discussed. Focus on figurative thinking. It is best to play puzzles with children from 2 to 5 years.

  • Constructors.

Choose them need, focusing on age. Soft cubes are best for kids. They collect from them snakes, towers, houses, and thereby activates their logical apparatus.

Designers develop logical thinking

"Lego" is suitable for older children, here you have to assemble models according to the instructions, relating the details to the image.

With younger students can build a modelplane or ship. You need to buy an entry level kit. This activity can not only interest the child, but also have fun with him.

  • Games.

For kids fit game with geometric shapes. It is necessary to offer them to find the same or find the extra.

Here you can include an association, showing a figure, to reflect with the child on the topic: “What it can resemble.”

Speech games are also very important, especially comparative ones: “hot in summer, cold in winter”, etc.

Older children can show a game of chess or checkers, and in the evening play “tic-tac-toe”.

  • Puzzles.

They lay the basics of thinking.There are various options, from small, with a large number of elements, to large, created especially for kids. There are a lot of sets and different subjects: sport, alphabet, profession, animals, natural phenomena and so on.

Puzzles are suitable for children from 5 years. It is best to collect them with the whole family. The child learns not only to analyze, but also painstakingly select the desired element of the picture.

Children can play chess

Logic as an instrument of evil

A person who lives by logic, few people love. Why?

Logic and cold calculation do not leave roomkindness, mercy, self-sacrifice, love, which still holds our world. A person with this way of thinking calculates his actions a few steps forward. But it happens that a clear logical system crumbles like a house of cards.

Как выглядел бы наш мир, основанный только на logic? He would be prosperous and cruel, there would be no sick, weak, unemployed, poor. All people who would not benefit the world would be destroyed as a result of natural selection.

Sometimes logic is harmful

But we are those who are, we are endowed with emotions, feelings. And so in our world a lot of misfortune, but a lot of good. People forgive, help each other, save even those whom it would seem impossible to save.

In addition, logical conclusions sometimes go against morality and ethics. Very many criminals, murderers, maniacs believe that they act quite naturally and consistently.

Man is an illogical being

Do we often make wrong conclusions? All people are different, and they draw different conclusions.

Logic is a science, and it is imperfect, itinferior to the truth of real life. Of all the rules there are exceptions, and science is powerless. In addition, we can dodge and cheat, if the conclusion does not suit us.

For example:the guy does not call, does not write, does not pay attention to the girl at all. Most likely, she is indifferent to him (quite logical conclusion). A girl should forget him. But then emotions begin to play a role.

In addition, perhaps he is just shy, proud. In such situations, logic becomes an instrument of emotions, and as a result of erroneous conclusions, many stupid and rash acts are accomplished.

Therefore, it is necessary to distinguish between false conclusions and true ones and, apart from logic, to rely on feelings and intuition.

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