/ / Gianni Infantino - what is he, the new president of FIFA?

Gianni Infantino - what is he, the new president of FIFA?

The era of the permanent president of FIFA Josef Blatterirretrievably gone. In 2016, the election of the main football official was held - the president of FIFA was Gianni Infantino. What changes and improvements in the football community will bring this appointment, what are the plans of the president himself?

Who is he - the president of FIFA?

The 9th president of FIFA, a Swiss born inThe city of Brigitte (Canton Valais) in 1970. Gianni Infantino, whose biography in the sports community began with the arrival of the International Center for the Study of Sport, has also Italian roots, hence his surname. His father immigrated from the Italian city of Reggio Calabria and was engaged in trade in Brig.

By profession, Gianni is a lawyer who knows 6 foreignlanguages ​​and has dual citizenship (Swiss and Italian). Gianni Infantino graduated from the University of Friborg and received a law degree. Money for higher education from the family of Infantino was not, and Gianni had to work on the railroad as a conduit to be able to pay for his studies at the university.

As a child he played in a football club, whichplayed in the 4th Division of Switzerland, but the dream of becoming a professional football player never materialized. Fortunately, Infantino with a sense of humor reacted to his football abilities and did not become very upset.

janni infantino

Working in the International Center, InfantinoIn parallel, he was an adviser in many football leagues in Europe. In UEFA he came in 2000 and initially dealt with financial, commercial and legal problems, as well as with the question of professional football. In early 2004, he was in charge of club licensing, then he was Deputy Secretary General of UEFA, and in 2009, in fact, he headed this structure. Since 2015, he was on the FIFA reform committee, and in early 2016 was elected president of this organization (115 votes in favor of 207 possible).

fifa president jannie infantino

FIFA President Gianni Infantino is married to the Algerian Lina Al-Ashkar, they have four children. But this is all dry statistics, but who really is the 9th president of FIFA?

Future plans

Возможность выдвинуть свою кандидатуру на этот a high post appeared in Infantino after his immediate superior and the first applicant from Europe to this position, Michel Platini, was accused of embezzlement and was forbidden to engage in any kind of activity that is connected with football. Before that, we all saw Gianni Infantino, happily and with a smile, held the draw of European cup tournaments.

janni infantino biography

Despite its roots, the support of Infantinoenlisted and far beyond Europe. His plans for the development of football look quite progressive and promising, now the main thing is to realize them.

Perhaps the most unexpected innovation isthat Gianni Infantino plans to introduce into the FIFA Council at least six women. And the head of this department will not be able to hold office for more than 12 years, which was not the case with Blatter.

В ФИФА уже давно идут дебаты о расширении числа participants of the world football championships. According to Gianni, this decision will only promote the popularization of football in many countries, where this sport is just beginning its development. "Euro 2016" in France has already passed in an expanded format, now it's time to take a decision on the World Cup.

Since in recent years there have been many rounds around FIFAfinancial scandals and some officials were suspended for misuse of funds, Gianni Infantino plans to make the entire funding system absolutely transparent.

The next point of his reform should be the active participation of players themselves in transfers, he suggests giving more freedom to players in choosing the right club.

Are there video replayers?

Michel Platini did not strive for an introduction to footballtechnical innovations, with the help of which it would be possible to facilitate the work of judges and eliminate bias. Gianni Infantino, on the contrary, is an innovator in this matter. The introduction of the video replay system should be implemented in the coming years, he believes, the fate of the match should not depend on the refereeing error or bias of the arbitrator.

Gianni Infantino Armenian

Gianni Infantino - Armenian? New sensations

Before the very presidential elections in FIFA meansThe issue of Armenian roots in Gianni Infantino was very actively discussed by the media. Surprisingly, even the most authoritative publications fell on this "duck". According to Infantino himself, this is nothing more than speculation, and we have no reason to distrust him.

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