What are the swimming pools in Zaporozhye?In this article the main and most popular ones will be considered. There are several in the city. We will describe in detail the basins in Zaporozhye, specify the addresses where they are located. Also, prices for visiting this or that institution will be indicated.
This pool is located on the basis of children's sportsschool "Wave". One lesson (one time) costs thirty hryvnia (about 65 rubles). For twelve independent visits, you should pay 220 hryvnia (480 rubles). There is a swimming pool at the address: Severokoltsevaya street, 9b.
Which swimming pools in Zaporozhye worth visiting? For example, "Aquaozon". This ozonized indoor heated pool. He works every day from 8 am to 9 pm.
For 8 lessons per month you need to pay 240 hryvnia (520 rubles). The price of unlimited subscription is 350 UAH (760 rubles). There is a swimming pool at 29, Rekordnaya Street.
This pool is considered the best in the city.He works all year round. On the basis of this pool, various competitions are often held. Since 1972 the SDSHOR works. Here in the swimming pool "Slavutich" are engaged in swimming up to 400 children. One-time visit - 36 UAH (80 rubles.). Monthly subscription for eight visits is 238 UAH (517 rubles). It is located "Slavutich" at the address: 24 Ivanova Street.
Feature of this pool is water purificationis carried out by ions of silver. For one lesson you need to pay thirty hryvnia. Monthly subscription (12 lessons) will cost three hundred hryvnia (650 rubles). This pool was located at the address: Zhukovsky street, 70-c.
In this pool there are six swimming lanes.For one (one-time) occupation, you should pay 25 hryvnia (54 rubles). Subscription for a month (12 visits) - 180 UAH (390 rubles). Address of the institution: 14, Historicheskaya Street.
What are open pools in Zaporozhye?For example, ShVSM swimming pool. It is located near the Sports Palace "Youth". The school has an outdoor swimming pool. And you can swim in it not only in summer, but also in winter. In the cold season, water is heated here. The cost of twelve classes is 270 UAH (590 rubles). Swimming pool address: 68 Pobedy Street.
Regardless of which pools in Zaporozhyeyou want to go, be sure to visit the doctor before that, since you will not be missed in any of them without a medical certificate from the therapist. It may be necessary for some to have an additional examination.
Now you know which are the most famous swimming pools in Zaporozhye. We hope that the information provided in the article was helpful to you.