/ / Fishing: preparing for fishing

Fishing knots: getting ready for fishing

It is impossible to talk about fishing and not touch the topicknitting fishing knots. You can safely assume that without this skill simply can not do. The knot is needed so that it is possible to attach a hook or a spinning bait to the fishing line, to conceive the boat or to fix the fishing line on the bobbin of the spool.

It is no wonder, that for all history of development of fishing skill the person has been thought up huge quantity of every possible knots which help deftly to fix necessary tackles.

It is logical that on the eve of the spring fishing avid anglers prepare in advance for the start of the season and with undisguised pleasure they go over their fishing equipment at home.

fishing knots

Winter and early spring can be a good ideatime for preparation for the season. For example, to impose leashes. In the conditions of spring fishing, when meltwater carries autumn garbage to the nearest pond, branches, old fishing nets, it often happens that the hook or leash breaks off. When there is no bite - you can safely tie a new hook directly on the beach. And if the spring zhor? If the hook broke after fighting the fish?

Let's be honest, at this moment you start hatingproducers of fishing lines, hooks, you hate even fishing knots, which he himself knitted. Only on personal skills and agility depends the success of the matter. Fishermen should understand that it is his own fault, because he learned to knit only direct double fishing knots, which for all their simplicity are not very strong.

Knit knot in still quite coldweather on the shore is not a simple task. It is better to impose leashes with hooks in advance, at home. And on fishing, just change leashes, making one knot instead of two.

fishing equipment

Fishing knots are the most vulnerable part of the rig.Most often the line is torn at the site. Therefore, the loss of leashes with hooks is inevitable. There are a lot of fishing nodes of increased strength. Recently, fishing nodes such as Grinder, Palomar, tampered loop have been popular.

The most simple and effective node for tying hooks, I personally think is an improved clinch. Knit it should be like this:

  1. We pass the free end of the line through the eye of the hook.
  2. The free (short) end of the line is made a few turns around the main line, leaving a loop around the eyelet.
  3. The short end of the line is passed through the loop.
  4. We wet the line.
  5. Tighten the knot.

This knot is almost impossible to untie with tension, which seriously helps in the fight against strong fish.

Such leashes of different length, with hooks of differentsizes and fishing lines of different diameters and lengths can be prepared in advance for at least a dozen. For storage it is better to use self-made reels, which are made of plastic, PVC or plywood. This is a little cumbersome, but the convenience in fishing is most important.

 fishing nets

Preparation for fishing, of course, does not endknitting of leashes. You can prepare for the season whole sets of special equipment for fishing rods. Note that with the approach of the season, fishing nets should be in your order.

But, as the ancient Chinese proverb says,"The road to 10,000 liters starts with one step." You can start with leashes. Time while there. And when the snow really descends, the sun will warm up and it will be time to do your favorite thing, nothing can prevent you from enjoying fishing. Is not it? Then you will not want to waste any precious time for preparation, which you could do beforehand.

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