/ / Tomato diet for weight loss: reviews, menu

Tomato diet for weight loss: reviews, menu

The tomato diet is the right choice for those,who wants to improve their body and get rid of excess weight. Nutritionists recommend tomatoes because they not only have a low calorie content, but they can quickly bring about a disturbed metabolism. This is the main reason why a very popular tomato diet for weight loss. Reviews of doctors are only positive, there are practically no contraindications.

tomato diet for weight loss

A little about the benefits

Tomatoes are really a unique culture. The composition has everything necessary for the normal functioning of the body: organic acids, vitamins, minerals, potassium, iron, iodine.

100 grams of the product accounts for approximately 20 Kcal.Rich vitamin composition and incredibly small caloric content make tomatoes an ideal dietary product. The tomato diet for weight loss helps to remove excess cholesterol from the body, stimulates the proper operation of the intestines and gives a diuretic effect, which allows you to get rid of excess water.

Unloading days

tomato diet for weight loss reviews

Unloading days should be arranged for everyoneman. Their main task is to cleanse the body. If you intend to lose a little extra weight, then you need a fasting day. At least it should be done once a week.

The question remains, what to eat during the dayso that it is both useful and satisfying? Tomatoes are a great option. During the day, you need to eat about 1.5 kilograms of fruit, so as not to feel hunger. Be sure to drink water or green tea.

The most pleasant thing is that it is allowed to slightly add tomatoes because the vitamins contained in the composition are so much more easily absorbed by the body.

A tomato diet for quick weight loss will helpyou during the day to save at least one kilogram. It all depends on how much you have excess body fat. The more weight, the faster it leaves.

Tomato juice

tomato diet for fast growing thin

Как уже упоминалось, большой популярностью сейчас uses a tomato diet for weight loss. Variants of delicious diets are varied, if you want, you can even come up with something special. For example, tomato juice is also widely used when it comes to combating obesity. Such a diet can be followed for 10-14 days because the menu is quite extensive, and the body will not be depleted. Make your own menu for each day, but remember that the list of allowed products is strictly organic.

What you can eat:

  • Any vegetables in a boiled or fresh form (potatoes can not be eaten in large quantities).
  • Egg whites.
  • Boiled meat or fish.
  • Fruits (can be fresh or baked).
  • Cottage cheese is low in fat.

From drinks:

  • Tomato juice.
  • Water.
  • Tea without sugar, preferably green.

The obligatory rule is before you startbreakfast or other meals, you need to drink a small amount of tomato juice. It reduces the appetite and calorie content of the dish. This tomato diet for weight loss is very effective, for a week of such a diet takes at least 3-4 kilograms.

Three Day Diet

tomato diet slimming menu

This diet allows the use of allproducts, as in the case of tomato juice. At the end it takes 2-3 kilograms. This is a very effective tomato diet for weight loss. 3 days must be eaten before eating fresh tomatoes. The result will really surprise you.

Approximate menu:

  • For breakfast it is recommended to eat one tomato and egg white.
  • The second breakfast: a tomato and a slice of cheese.
  • Lunch: tomato salad, kefir, chicken breast (boiled).
  • Afternoon snack: tomato and cheese.
  • Dinner: a little cottage cheese, a tomato salad with olive oil.

Such a diet provides the body allIt is necessary for it to function normally and be supplied with the necessary vitamins and microelements. This is really an effective tomato diet for weight loss. The menu can be diversified with other products. Most importantly - exclude bread products and sweets.

Diet for 4 days

First day

  • Breakfast: a small slice of rye bread with butter, cheese, coffee without sugar and fresh tomato.
  • Lunch: a small portion of spaghetti, seasoned with herbs and tomato.
  • Dinner: casserole from pasta, spinach and tomatoes.

Second day

  • Breakfast: one tomato, a bit of low-fat cottage cheese.
  • Lunch: one tomato, boiled breast.
  • Dinner: cold tomato soup.

The third day

  • Breakfast: a little cottage cheese and one tomato.
  • Lunch: hot salad of tomatoes, pumpkins and spaghetti. As a dressing, use low-fat yogurt.
  • Dinner: spaghetti with cheese, spinach and fresh tomatoes.

Fourth day

  • Breakfast: rye bread with cheese and tomatoes, a cup of unsweetened coffee.
  • Lunch: a sandwich with cheese, lettuce and tomatoes.
  • Dinner: spaghetti served with basil, tomatoes and carrots.

Presented tomato diet for weight loss for 4 days removes excess fluid from the body and allows you to get rid of 3-4 kilograms.

Two-week diet

tomato diet slimming options delicious diets

The following dietary menu is calculatednot more than two weeks. If you wish, you can always eat fresh cucumber instead of juice. Practice shows that if you use several vegetables with tomatoes, the result will be more tangible. The main thing is not to forget the basic rule. All vegetables should be consumed before the main meal.

Approximate menu:

  • Breakfast: black bread (two small pieces), fruit, tomato juice (or cucumber).
  • In two hours, drink a glass of tomato juice.
  • Lunch: boiled rice without salt, salad with tomatoes and cucumbers.
  • Two hours later, juice from fresh tomatoes.
  • Dinner: a little boiled rice with steam cutlets (or fish), a glass of tomato juice.

It is often used is this tomatodiet for weight loss. Reviews of girls who have already tried it, only positive. The body is not depleted, you get all the useful trace elements. Moreover, the metabolism is normalized, the stool becomes regular, the amount of fat deposits decreases.


Tomato diet for weight loss 3 days

Before you go on a tomato diet, you need to make sure that it is suitable for you, that there will be no side effects.

Tomato diet for weight loss is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • In diseases of the gallbladder.
  • With rheumatism.
  • With an ulcer of the duodenum and stomach.
  • With arthritis.
  • With urolithiasis.
  • When gastritis.

Do not forget that tomatoes belong tolist of products that contribute to the manifestation of an allergic reaction. For this reason, it is not recommended to sit on this diet during pregnancy and breastfeeding. In other cases, this is a great opportunity to improve your health and lose a few extra pounds.

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