/ / Swimming pools in Rostov-on-Don: description, contacts and contacts

Swimming pools in Rostov-on-Don: description, contacts and contacts

Every year there are more and more fanssports and adherents of a healthy lifestyle. In Russia, new sports complexes and swimming pools are built, so that residents can diversify. Rostov-on-Don is considered one of the largest cities of our country. Due to good infrastructure and size, there are many establishments of any orientation here. The article will briefly consider the basins of Rostov-on-Don, addresses and contacts.


In comparison with other such places, "Wave"is considered to be one of the largest. The bath here is much larger than in the usual standard swimming pools in Rostov-on-Don - the length is 50 m, and in width it is divided into 6 spacious paths. Due to this, the institution can host competitions of different scale.

pool in Rostov on Don

In addition to water sports, the center offersvisitors to the gym, fitness, aerobics. The sports complex is equipped with the latest equipment designed for a large number of people. After training, you can go to the solarium or other wellness procedures.

Good equipment is also reinforced by the successful location of the building. Nearby are wide walkable streets and many residential quarters.

Address: Rostov-on-Don, st. Tekuchev, 149.

Detailed information about the visit can be found on the website: volna-fitness.ru. Since its site is not at the pool, it is necessary to search for contacts on other thematic resources.


Unconditional leader among the basins in theRostov-on-Don. Amaze both the size of the bath, and the technology that is applied daily for water treatment. The length of the pool is 50 m, and the width is 8 tracks. The depth is huge - from 1.8 to 5 m. These scales are acceptable even for state swimming activities.

pool coral

The purity of water is provided in many ways.Like everywhere else, chlorine is used, but its quantity is much less, because in addition, water is processed by ultraviolet and ultrasound. Despite all its equipment, prices for free classes in the "Coral" pool are very low, if compared with other cities.

Address: Rostov-on-Don, st. 1 st Cavalry Army, 6d.

The site of the organization has all the necessary information about the schedule of classes, prices, requirements, etc. Website: http://www.korall-rostov.ru/contacts/.


Swimming pool in Rostov-on-Don in the open air.The conditions here are excellent, the water is heated, but its temperature also depends on the environment. A medium-sized bath is 25 m long and 8 lanes wide.

Water is cleared not only from possible infections, but also from external debris. Qualitative methods allow maintaining its suitability for a long time without harm to the person.

basins of Rostov on the Don address

Get easily and quickly. There is a building in a small grove in the city itself, which gives some kind of tranquility to visitors. Nearby is a large stadium of the same name.

Address: Rostov-on-Don, st. Furmanovskaya street, 150.

Before visiting it is necessary to study the information presented on the site: rostov-cska.ru.

Other pools

In addition to those presented above, there are several other institutions in Rostov-on-Don.

Swimming pool in the sports complex RSTU.Large, roomy, 25 m long and 14 m wide (6 lanes). There are classes in free swimming and a group on training equipment. There is an opportunity to dive into the water from the tower and the springboard.

"Univer".Another classic pool with a standard size (25 m, 6 tracks). The water is absolutely safe, because here it is cleaned with the latest technology with minimal use of chlorine. For visitors who want to put the figure in order, in the center there is a gym.

Energy Plaza.A modern institution that gives visitors an opportunity to feel themselves participants of the competition. Quality fresh repair, large bath (25 m, 6 lanes) like not only adults, but also children. The cost of training is much higher than in the rest, but it is justified by the best service.

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