Let's start with how to arrange a fasting day correctly. After all, the final result depends on this. Here everything is important and the moral attitude, and physical preparation, and proper nutrition before and after.
Choose a comfortable day for yourself.This will be a day on the eve of, or after it, well, and, accordingly, on the day of your choice, it is not expected to go on a visit, to restaurants or other events where it is supposed to be a satisfying feast. If you always actively rest on the weekend, it will be ideal to pick a day among the week, for example, Tuesday or Wednesday.
Arrange a fasting day for weight lossfrom 1 to 4 times a month. Let on this day you will be busy with something that will distract from thoughts about food and there will be no temptations. Do not go to grocery stores, so as not to make impulse purchases and not abandon the plans.
You can invite someone to join you on this day, then you will gain additional moral support. Together, it is always fun and easier to overcome the tasks.
What is the essence of this day
A weight-loss day for slimmingrestriction in the amount of food consumed. In general, it is very similar to a mono-diet, but for only one day, which does not harm the health, but on the contrary contributes to the restoration of the body and improve performance in general.
During the fasting day you can as many as you likedrink pure water, alternating with tea. Add sugar to it or not, you decide in accordance with the task. If you want to prevent an increase or you need to lightly lose weight, then sugar can be eaten, but in limited quantities. In other situations, try to abandon it altogether.
The most effective unloading day is,if you limit 1-1,5 kg. any one product, you will drink only pure water. On the eve of a fasting day, cut the usual diet at lunch half, in the evening by 2/3. After him in the morning for breakfast and lunch, eat 2/3 of the usual portion.
But even if during the day you will eatin small portions one product, it will not pass in vain. The main thing is to try to eat exactly as much as you need to kill the hunger. Let it be every half an hour for 50-100 grams. Alternatively, you can alternate meals with empty tea.
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In a fasting day for weight loss you should eatlow-calorie foods - dietary and hypoallergenic. These include low-fat or low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini or squash, carrots, beets. From cereals, you can stay on buckwheat or rice without additives.
If you are very hard to give up sweet,then stock up on dried fruit. They are sweet, pleasant to the taste and may well replace sweets for tea. In addition, they are rich in vitamins and trace elements, so they can help maintain the balance of vital elements at the right level, without leading to exhaustion. People prone to excess weight, in general, it is better to replace them with sweets, chocolate and other sweets, even on regular days. Already after 1-2 months, simply refusing other sweets in favor of dried fruits can be pleasantly surprised.
In a fasting day for weight loss you can eatmuesli or multi-cereal flakes without sugar glaze. In dry form, they do not like everyone, but you can fill them with fat-free yogurt, but milk is not desirable.
What can we hope for
Arranging regularly unloading days, you can easily support yourself in the desired form, fight with extra pounds and significantly improve the general condition of the body.
During the fasting day it is easy to losefrom 100 to 500 gr. weight, subject to the correct entrance and exit from it. To keep the result and the subsequent weight loss for each such day, it is recommended to make friends with the sport.
It is not necessary to exhaust yourself with prolonged training. It is quite possible to do regular (2-3 times a week) visit to the pool or perform 5-6 exercises on different muscle groups every day.