/ / How to start running in the morning: advice of trainers

How to start running in the morning: tips for coaches

Утренние пробежки оказывают весьма положительное influence on the body. They are toned and charged with positive energy for the whole day. In addition, early physical activity promotes an increase in oxygen metabolism, trains the heart muscle and improves brain activity.

Running does not require financial investments anda lot of time. Therefore today this kind of sport is very popular. Everyone can start to run, but, as practice shows, the majority of athletes quickly leave the race and abandon this occupation. This is due to improper training and errors during training.

And how to start running, so that this process would bring not only benefits but also pleasure? Let us consider this issue in more detail.

Where to begin?

Prepare for the morning runs.First, you need to choose a place for training and get a sports form. If any clothes of a sports type can approach as clothing, then the choice of running shoes should be approached seriously.

Quality footwear is the key to successful training andsafety of health. Sneakers should match your weight and foot size. For fat people shoes with thick soles are preferable. It is advisable to choose options with orthopedic insoles. They will allow to correctly distribute the load and relieve you of pain after running.

The day before you start running to a beginnerathlete, it is recommended to go to bed earlier. So it will be easier for you to get up in the morning. If the alarm does not make you wake up, you can use awakening exercises.

to start running in the morning you need to wake up earlier

Without getting out of bed, lift one leg, andthen the second. After that start slowly twisting the pedals of an imaginary bike. Already on the second ten movements you yourself will not notice how your eyes will open, and the body - wake up. Moreover, in a month the muscles of the legs and abdomen will be considerably tightened.

Half an hour before going out, it is recommendeda bite to eat. If time allows, cook porridge, egg omelet or muesli. For those who do not like to eat in the morning, good support of the body will be fruits or nuts.

If breakfast is not at all in yourschedule, in the dinner menu you need to include foods with a high carbohydrate content. They last long in the body and can provide you with the necessary energy for training.

A week before you start running, give up fatty and spicy food. Except for products with high fiber content. The use of alcohol and caffeine should be kept to a minimum.

We create comfortable conditions for jogs

In most cases, the rejection of early trainingis caused by psychological problems. Someone observes the astonished looks of others around him, someone complexes because of extra pounds or is at all afraid that he will not get the desired result. In such cases, people drop their hands and refuse to play sports.

Morning jogging in the company is much more effective

And how to start running to a beginner athlete to feel confident and calm? To overcome psychological problems will help:

  1. Like-minded people.Full people often complex because of their appearance. To overcome the uncertainty in themselves will help a partner in the running of a similar complexion. Invite your friends or neighbors to share your interests. Practice shows that classes in a group give much more results than exercises alone.
  2. Beautiful sportswear. A good motivation for training can become a sports suit you like. People in beautiful clothes feel much more confident.
  3. Music. Before you start running, make a playlist of your favorite tracks. Pleasant music will distract you from negative thoughts and set the right rhythm for the whole day.
  4. The goal set.At the beginning of training, set a clear goal. It can be getting rid of excess weight, health correction or just a training of willpower. Every day, note how far you have moved forward. This will be an excellent motivation for training. If you do not have a specific goal, you will lose interest in studies.

Если когда-то вы уже начинали бегать по утрам, но abandoned this case, subconsciously you will expect a similar outcome. This feeling needs to be completely eradicated. Believe in a positive result. Adjust yourself to strict discipline and get the desired effect.

The main rules for beginners

Self-confidence and perseverance help to achievethe desired result, but they can also hurt. In the first days of training, in no case should you expose your body to heavy loads. This can result in pain in the whole body and disgust for the sport.

Start running in the morning with a warm-up

To understand how to start running in the morning correctly, you should read the recommendations of doctors and coaches. They say the following:

  1. You can not immediately run a long distance.If a person has not previously engaged in sports, the distance of 4-5 km is too great for him. Yes, on the first training you feel the strength and desire to overcome and great distances, but do not do this. For the first lesson, 1-2 km is enough.
  2. During the seven training days, you can not switch to a fast pace. Take care that during the race you can talk quietly. The appearance of dyspnea is a signal to slow down.
  3. The frequency of heart beat during running should not exceed the permissible standards. If you feel that the heart beats too often, slow down the pace.

In the hot season, you need to pay close attention to the heart rhythm. The maximum allowable heart rate is determined by subtracting your age from the number 220.

So, for a 30-year-old athlete, the load threshold is 190 beats per minute. However, this is an extreme indicator! It is better to limit 80-90% of the maximum value.

The schedule of trainings is the most important part of preparation for jogging

Recommendations on how to start rightrun (for beginners), talk about the need for scheduling training. In this first few weeks in it should be taken into account rest breaks.

Beginners are quite enough three runs a week. Distance range for all three classes should not exceed 10 km. The graph might look something like this:

  • 1 day - jogging 2 km;
  • Day 2 - day off;
  • Day 3 - a run of 2.5-3 km;
  • 4 day - day off;
  • Day 5 - a distance of 3-4 km;
  • 6 and 7 day - rest from classes.

Gradually the load should increase.The kilometrage of each next week can be increased by 10-15%. Even if you feel the strength for a larger amount of workload, you can not do this categorically. This will cause stress for the body!

how to start running in the morning

If the athlete feels for 2-3 weeksyou are consistently good, you can increase the frequency of training. To understand how to properly start running in the enhanced mode, look at the following graph:

  • Day 1 - rest;
  • day 2 - jogging 5 km;
  • day 3 - jogging 5 km;
  • day 4 - easy running 7 km;
  • day 5 - day off;
  • day 6 - jogging 3 km;
  • day 7 - jogging 8 km.

After overcoming the longest distance, you should definitely give time to the body for rest. The next training should begin with walking.

Gradually, the load can be increased to morelong distances. However, in these moments, you need to closely monitor your sensations and heartbeats. This will allow you not to exceed the rate of your body.

Start with a walk

If you are wondering about how to start running properly, pay attention to walking. This will be a good start for sports.

The big mistake of beginners is that they decide to run, they train their running shoes and run fast and far. As a result, rapid fatigue and pain throughout the body.

Professional coaches always talk about how,that running begins with walking. In the preparation for training, you just have to walk a lot. Every morning, on the way to work or on your own business, try to walk a short distance.

Gradually, in the process of walking, you can switch to easy running. Its intensity should be such that you can calmly talk. After a week of active walking, you can start jogging.

Every training session should be started and ended with walking and restoring breathing.

Warm-up - the first stage of each workout

Anyone who is interested in the question of how to start running correctly to a beginner should remember that without a warm-up you can not start active exercises.

The warming up of the body facilitates training, allows you to withstand the load and prevents the occurrence of injuries. Warm-up activates the work of all muscles, increases the flow of blood.

warming up the muscles before the morning run

Easy exercises start workneuromuscular system. The brain sends impulses to the tissues, preparing them for training. In the body, the fat-burning enzymes are actively being developed, which makes the exercises more effective.

The smooth output from the loads allows all systems to return to the previous mode of operation. Sharp stops can have a detrimental effect on the heart and blood vessels. Finish running you need to gradually.

Increase the effect of training by changing the type of workload

Thinking about how to start running, allbeginning athletes represent the route of their training. Most often these are parks or sports grounds. However, to diversify the load, you should alternate not only the intensity of the run, but also the surface.

start running around in the mornings better with music and in comfortable clothes

Each road has a different effect on the body. The change of the surface causes other muscle groups to work, contributes to a change in the load.

For example, in the first week you can run aroundasphalt surface. The second - along the dirt paths. If there are sand tracks near the house, do not bypass them. Running on uneven surfaces is also welcome. For this purpose, terrain with ravines and depressions is suitable.

The only contraindication to running isconcrete. It does not have a damping effect, due to which all impacts of the foot will be strongly felt. After such jogging your legs will be very sick. Running on concrete can cause stretching and bruising.

Features of running for weight loss

If you are interested in the question of how to start running to a man or woman for weight loss, then pay attention to the fact that such exercises have some features.

Two methods of running are used for burning calories:

  • easy cross;
  • interval running.

In the first case, uniform and calm running is practiced. This method is most relevant for beginners who are thinking about how to start running to lose weight.

In the first 30-40 minutes of easy running, the body begins to burn glycogen, accumulated in muscle tissues and liver. After that, the main source of energy is fat.

If you overcome the distance of 1 km in 7-9 minutes, your body will spend about 200 kcal. Running 3 km in 15-16 minutes, you will spend 450-500 kcal.

Interval run can be practiced only after6 months of regular morning runs. Its essence lies in the alternation of a fast and slow pace. In this case, the last type of running is applied for a short time. A fast rhythm is performed at the limit of the athlete's strength.

Such training is not easy, but the result is fromthey are not long in coming. Please note that if you think how to start running from scratch, you can not use this method! It is dangerous for health!

Features of the winter run

The onset of the cold season is not at allreason for rejection. Therefore, if you want to start playing sports, it is not at all necessary to wait for summer. Get to action. However, first read the recommendations on how to start running in the winter.

it is quite possible to start running in the morning

Pay attention to the following rules:

  1. Before going for a run the body needs to be warmed up. At home, do the simplest workout that will trigger all muscle groups. Only then go jogging.
  2. Winter frosty air is very saturated with oxygen. For this reason, breathing can be difficult. Do not expose the body to heavy loads until breathing has improved.
  3. If the thermometer shows below 20 degrees, the workout should be canceled. With strong gusts of wind, running is also not desirable.
  4. In winter, it is very important to breathe properly while running. In order not to get sick, inhale the air solely nose. You can exhale by mouth. If you feel that breathing is difficult, stop and rest.

Before you start running in the winter, look at the weather forecast for the next week. This will allow you to make a training schedule and plan the necessary rest for weather conditions.

For jogging in the winter, you need to purchase appropriate shoes and clothing. The training area should be regularly cleared of snow and have a minimum amount of ice.

If financial opportunities allow, in winter you can practice running on special treadmills at home or in gyms.


Any physical activity has contraindications. Morning run is no exception. Therefore, before you think about how to start running in the morning, consult your doctor.

The reason for limiting physical activity in the form of running can be:

  • high blood pressure;
  • certain types of chronic diseases;
  • too much weight (more than 15 kg from the norm);
  • age from 45 years;
  • the presence of colds and viral infections.

The presence of one of these factors is the reason for the strict control of well-being during training. It is better if the runs will be accompanied by a specialist.

Categorically you can not run in the morning in case of the following problems:

  • Congenital heart defect;
  • complex stages of diabetes;
  • rehabilitation after heart attack and stroke;
  • the presence of intervertebral hernia;
  • serious vision problems.

In the presence of serious diseases the possibility of training is negotiated with the doctor. Remember, only an expert can definitely say whether you can run in the morning.


It is never too late to play sports, the main thing is to do it correctly and load the body gradually. If you decide to run in the morning, prepare your body in the following areas:

  • adjustment of nutrition and sleep patterns;
  • increasing the amount of walking;
  • warming up before training;
  • gradual increase in load with alternating surface type.

The basis of training, take the rule of 10%.If you ran 10 km in the first week, the distance to the second week can be 11 km. If the time of training was 60 minutes, then next week you can increase your runs by 6 minutes. No more, no less!

This approach will help to play sports withoutfeeling tired and in pain. Calm and measured morning workouts bring much more benefit and pleasure than increased physical exertion. In the first variant, you will not have the desire to quit the exercises, because they will not charge you with positive energy and not all day.

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