This article invites everyone to resetexcess weight and adjust the shape of the body with the help of yoga for weight loss (for beginners) at home. There are many systems, so why not use the ancient Indian teachings not only for the development of spiritual qualities, but also for more mundane desires?
So, let's start to understand.The zealous followers of this system with the phrase "yoga for weight loss" will immediately skeptically grin and say that this great science is needed for the perfection of the spirit, but not for the temporary physical body. Of course, they are right in their own way, but they will not refute the fact that all people have different levels of consciousness, and someone wants to achieve nirvana, and someone will be satisfied with a slim and flexible body. For all thirsty second there is good news: you can lose weight with the help of yoga, and faster than it seems.
Yoga for weight loss at home, as well as outside the walls of the house, is based on five components:
Who searches, as is known, finds, and in this article we will consider in more detail some basic exercises of yoga for weight loss.
At the moment, there are several styles in the physical system, or hatha yoga, which actively influence the body shape:
Proceeding from the foregoing, it can be concluded that,that ashtanga vinyasa yoga for weight loss is simply ideal, as it is a dynamic practice that includes most of the aspects needed to achieve the goal: simple postures, a large influx of oxygen due to specific breathing that burns fat and toxins and the state of meditation.
The first exercise of yoga for weight loss forbeginners is, of course, a greeting to the sun, which in itself is a powerful stimulator of weight loss. It is done by the surya namaskar in the Ashtanga Yoga tradition ten times and consists of two variants that powerfully warm up the body, and deep breathing stimulates the burning of toxins in the cells. It's important not to try to do it all at once, but start at five, after a day or two adding another set. For those who are not able to remember a large number of asanas and are ready to do only this mini-complex, it is recommended to go on a 24-time repeat of suri namaskar for weight loss.
You can learn a lesson of yoga for beginners on the presented video, without hurrying and delving into the essence, so that the practice gives the maximum effect.
It's great when yoga for weight loss forbeginners will begin with respiratory practices: the body will have the opportunity to develop awareness, which subsequently will significantly help in working with poses. This will also allow us to burn more toxins at the initial stage, remove toxins and stimulate the work of the intestines, which in most people is in a deplorable state (hence the excess weight, disease). The most accessible breathing techniques are:
Эти техники йоги для похудения живота являются the most effective and giving a quick result, but for their mastering it is important to study the two previous breathing exercises in order to prepare the body and the cardiovascular system. Shaktivardhak, like all other practices with breathing and abdominal work, should be performed on an empty stomach, preferably in the morning. Technique: relax your stomach, exhale and make movements with your belly, alternately puffing and pulling it in a pause, that is, not breathing. At the first sign of discomfort, relax your stomach and take a quiet breath.
This exercise is called the vacuum of the abdomen, and it also takes place during a pause after exhalation.
To do this action, we follow the explanations step by step:
This is the simplest explanation.uddiyana bandha, which rid the body of toxins. Literally after a month of daily exposure, you can notice significant changes in the body. In total, no more than five sets are done, in no case should this exercise be abused. Do not forget that each medal has two sides.
The first yoga exercises at home forweight loss should be selected from the dynamic series, that is, without prolonged retention of the form. This will provide an opportunity to warm up the body deeper and force the muscles to make the maximum available at the moment. For example:
Each set should be at least six to eightrepetitions without stopping, the importance of conscious movement with breathing is primary. Total sets worth doing no more than three and continue to the next stage, and between them to rest in the pose of "dog face down."
If you look at yoga lessons for weight loss, thenYou can make a single conclusion: the best static exercise is the bar. The praises in her honor are endless, and this is true, because this asana affects almost all the major muscles of the body. The only condition: the correct implementation and fixation of at least one and a half minutes.
Another magical position is Khanjanasana, or“wagtail” posture: put the feet wider than the pelvis and sit down so that the hips and body are parallel to the floor and to each other, while trying to clamp the shoulders into the popliteal cavities. Although if it is very difficult, you can simply stretch your arms forward one line with the spine. Stay in position for at least one minute, and then make a compensating position, for example, padahastasana.
Yoga for weight loss is unthinkable without twistingabdominal zone, so in daily practice there should be at least two or three positions with this effect. It is better to choose them from different planes: standing, sitting and lying - starting with the simplest posture and ending with deeper variants.
This standing position works greatabdominal area, provided that it is tightly pressed to the thigh of a bent leg and massaged by deep breathing. To do this, you need the hand opposite to the bent leg, to wrist the thigh and chest out forward. If this succeeded, then, having bent the arm in the elbow, it is necessary to join the hands of both hands under the thigh.
This is not always available for beginners, so they prefer the first two options.
If you collect the knowledge gained in a single yoga class (for weight loss) for beginners, you get an approximate scheme:
In the end, be sure to do a pose forrelaxation or a small session of meditation, concentrating on free breathing. The posture for relaxation (shavasana) is performed lying on your back with eyes closed for at least ten minutes, and the meditation on breathing - sitting with legs crossed in Turkish or on the heels with a straight spine. To focus on breathing for at least 15 minutes, while not allowing the mind to be distracted.
For losing weight it is important not only to play sportsadhere to proper nutrition and daily regimen. Particular attention should be paid to mental relaxation, without which no action would be maximally working. At first, it is difficult to understand how to relax in the bar when the third minute of fixing this posture occurs. But the secret is simple: it is important to relax on the background of the mind, not the body. Muscles can work at the limit of capabilities, and the mind will calmly monitor this state without panicking or trying to cheat and make a more relaxed position, just to not strain. This state does not come immediately, but the key to it is conscious breathing, which must always be under control, because it is a litmus of correct and safe practice.