This article describes the main wayshow to call from China to China. The methodology of making calls to some CIS countries is also described. If desired, all this can be used for other cases.
First, let's look at the basic rules of the setnumbers in digital format. This will give a simple answer to the question of how to call from China to China. Any number in digital format has the following form:
To enter the line of fulfillment of internationalcalls are dialed either "+" or "00". In the case of local calls (within the country), this part can not be used, and instead of it "0" is applied. A country code is a combination of one, two or three characters. Their number depends on the area of the country and its number. The region or city code also consists of one, two or three digits. The direct number of the subscriber is determined by local regulations. Its capacity also depends on the current standards.
Above are the rules for the commission of internationalconversations. Based on the above methodology, we will determine how to call from China to China. But here it is necessary to make one amendment. If we plan to talk inside the mainland, then it's enough to dial "0". But the method of making calls to Hong Kong and Macao (this is also part of the Celestial Empire) will be described in the next section. Next - the code of the region or locality, and then, in fact, the subscriber's number. For example, to call to Beijing, dial the following combination: "0 (exit to the local line within the country) - 10 (city code) - XXXXXXXXX (subscriber's number)". The last two components can change. If you call, for example, in Harbin, then the first part of the number will be "451", and the second part should consist of 8 numbers.
In China, when making calls even within the countrynot so simple. It includes two former colonies: Hong Kong and Macau. Their phone code is different from that in the mainland. For Hong Kong, "852" is used, and for "Macao" - "853". So for communication, even within the Middle Kingdom, you have to make international calls. In this case, there is one important nuance. If nine-digit numbers are used for the mainland, there will already be eight numbers. Still, one of them moves to the region code. These phone codes were used earlier for this territory. After their accession to China, it was decided not to change anything and not to make confusion in the rules of dialing international numbers. Therefore, behind the Celestial and fixed at once three codes that are geographically distributed.
Now let's look at how to call from China toRussia. Without an international line in this case, simply can not do. Therefore, first set either "+" or "00". Next, you need a country code. In our case this is "7". Then we dial the code of the settlement or the mobile operator. In the end, you need a subscriber number. As a result, we get the following combination: "+ 7-ХХХ-ххххххх". And this rule is valid both for stationary devices and for mobile phones. So everything is simple. The number of digits in the code and number may differ from the one given earlier, but there should be 10 in total.
In the previous section, we figured out howcall from China to Russia on the mobile. Now consider a slightly different situation. The most difficult thing is to make a call to the Middle Kingdom from a stationary device. Therefore, we concentrate on this option. Ordinary codes like "+" or "00" do not work on such devices - the vestiges of the past make themselves felt. Therefore, we have to use the traditional "8" for this case. After its dialing, we are waiting for the appearance of a continuous beep in the phone's handset. But this is not enough. The second part of the code is "10" - an additional combination for making international calls. After the appearance of continuous beeps, we dial it. As a result, we get the following combination:
A little earlier it was described how to call fromChina to Russia to urban and vice versa. Now find out how to establish a connection with this country from your mobile phone. In this case, a slightly different set of rules apply. What worked on stationary devices will not work. In the case of making a call from the mobile phone, the order is as follows:
Some mobile operatorscertain discounts are given for international calls. But to use them, you need to type a special code instead of "+". For example, "815". In general, this information can be clarified by the service center operator. So before making such an international call it is better to consult the customer support number.
In principle, the order of how to call from Chinain Kazakhstan, does not differ from the one that was given earlier. Even the beginning of these numbers will be identical - "+7". Otherwise, the order of the set is also similar. Immediately goes the code of the region or mobile operator. In the end, you need to dial the subscriber's number. In sum, the combination must consist of ten digits. If we call from a mobile phone, then do not forget to press the call button. A similar situation when making calls from Kazakhstan to China. The order of the set is identical to that which was previously given for the Russian Federation. So it's not worth it to focus on it. We proceed further.
The most interesting situation arises then,when the following question arises: "How to call from China to Belarus?" Unlike Russia and Kazakhstan, local numbers in the international format are typed in a completely different way. All of them begin with the combination "+375". Then follows the code of the region or mobile operator. For example, if the next two digits are "17", you call to Minsk, and for mobile operators the code "29" is used. Then comes the seven-digit subscriber number. As a result, you should get "+ (we make an international call) - 375 (Belarus code) - XX (region code) - xxxxxxx (subscriber's number)". The last two components, as noted earlier, may have a different number of digits, but it should not be more than nine in total. In the opposite direction, from Belarus to China, calls are made in the same way as was described in the case of communication with the Russian Federation. Therefore, by analogy, it will not be difficult to complete them.
In the framework of this material, it is described not only that,how to call from China to China, but also how to make a call to Russia, Kazakhstan or Belarus. If desired, the previously stated rules can be applied to any other country. Nothing complicated in this. So we boldly take and communicate with China and all other countries of the world!