Reception of broadcasting through traditional antennasis the most affordable way to broadcast a television signal. Even with the transition to digital transmission format, the usual devices do not lose relevance. In the market of radio equipment can be found antennas for different purposes, taking into account the nuances of installation and operation. At the same time, it should be noted that Russian manufacturers of equipment are widely represented in this segment, and this also affects the price decrease. Despite the arrival of more technological installations, the passive TV antenna is still in demand, the advantages of which include reliability and ease of maintenance. Of course, there are obvious drawbacks to such devices, but in some cases it is quite possible to reconcile with them.
The main difference between passive models isThat they do not assume connection to the mains. For the user, this means that the amplifying adapter can not be connected. Accordingly, in the design of such installations there are no transistors, microcircuits or other electronic components with electronic stuffing. Therefore, it is quite justified to ask the question whether an active or passive antenna will better cope with the tasks in the given case? It is important to understand that the presence of active elements in the design makes it possible to receive the signal in the most difficult conditions precisely due to additional amplification.
But there is a downside to this decision.The fact is that the lack of electronics eliminates passive models from the characteristic interference and noise, which also improves the reception quality. In addition, one can not speak of a complete lack of reinforcing ability in equipment lacking special adapters. The geometry of the construction, which passive antennas possess, is initially oriented to independent and high-quality signal reception. Another thing is that not all these capabilities are sufficient to service equipment in a remote location from the relay station.
From consumer's perspective of the main characteristicis the gain, measured in decibels. As already noted, passive models lose in this indicator active counterparts, however, the elimination of interference compensates for this flaw. Usually passive antennas (TVs) provide amplification in the range of 12-20 dB. This is sufficient if reception in the coverage zone of the tower extending the signal is expected. There are also models with a coefficient of more than 30 dB, but with such devices should be more careful, since such a level is more likely for active devices. By the way, an important characteristic of passive plants is the number of functional parts in the structure. It is from them that the antenna's own ability to enhance reception without electronic means depends.
Indoor modelsare designed for a stable and confident TV signal. It should be understood that even active devices do not always cope with providing a qualitative display in the conditions of the room, therefore, the choice of passive antennas for room use should be approached more carefully. But if the repeater is in an accessible coverage area, then this option will be beneficial for several reasons. First, the indoor passive antenna eliminates the need for a roof installation with a long cable connection. Secondly, such models can be regulated in direct accessibility through special "antennae". But, again, providing a quality "picture" is possible only under the condition of an appropriate signal from the broadcasting tower.
Devices for cars in general functionby the same principle as conventional television receivers. In particular, the passive antenna for auto also works with radio waves of the electromagnetic field, but then sends it to the radio. In conditions of traffic, signal stability is particularly important, so active models are in high demand. But passive designs have their advantages, for example, they are distinguished not only by convenience in use and compact dimensions, but also by high sensitivity.
There are also some nuances of exploitation of suchdevices. It is important to take into account that the passive antenna for the car is in fact external, therefore it must be protected from mechanical influences. This primarily applies to telescopic retractable structures.
In terms of reception quality, this is the best option.In the case of street models, one should not think about outside interference, since the design is calculated for long-range reception. However, obvious interference near the installation site should still be eliminated. As a rule, a street passive antenna has massive dimensions and many functional elements in the structure. It is these qualities that allow such receivers to work at large distances from repeaters. But to pay for these benefits will have to be mounted on the roof. The antenna must be securely fixed so that wind and precipitation can not disturb its operation. In addition, a cable is required. If we are talking about a private house or cottage, then there will be no special problems with this, but multi-storey buildings can not do without multi-meter coaxial wires.
Classic models of passive antennas releasesuch firms as "Locus", "Deltoplan", "Anteks", etc. Most often these are inexpensive devices costing 300-500 rubles. Room models can be purchased for 200-250 rubles. Street versions are a bit expensive, but even a demanding buyer will be able to meet 1000 rubles. Car passive antennas are manufactured under the brands "Triad", "Mysteries", "Prolodzhi", etc. In this case, the cost may increase, as manufacturers complete the model with additional accessories. On average, the prices for such antennas are 1000-1500 rubles.
Among the main advantages that are notedusers of passive antennas, it is worth highlighting easy installation, no need to connect electronic components and high reliability. A simple design in optimal operating conditions is able to provide a good reception and "picture" without unnecessary interference, which the active models sin. Also, many note that passive antennas work better in adverse weather conditions than alternative options. The strengthened design without superfluous electronics differs by stability of reception and protection from influences from the outside.
As practice shows, all the advantagespassive equipment are reduced to zero if the repeater does not provide the proper signal level. Users note the dependence of such devices on the quality of the work of the local television tower. Particularly problematic in this respect are passive antennas intended for installation in a room. The very concept of such installations assumes small sizes, therefore the function of the reinforcing structure is minimized. For this reason, experts recommend that you still refer to active models, which the power supply supports, for indoor use.
Passive antenna has an elementarydesign, so many home masters replace it with improvised materials in the form of metal parts. In some cases, good results are achieved when simulating active devices. However, even with a competent implementation of the structural part, it is by no means possible in every case to expect the expected result. The fact is that a passive television antenna, for all its simplicity of construction, has one essential characteristic. This matching of the impedance with the cable, thereby optimizing the reception parameters. In addition, the owner of the factory antenna can count on the convenient and correct execution of the configuration settings. As a result, a balanced adjustment of functional parts allows you to count not only on the quality reception of a television signal, but also on working with a radio range. To achieve a similar quality with the help of improvised devices is almost impossible.