Смартфоны сегодня - это зеркало, отражающее самые innovative technologies. Already they are "able" to perform so many diverse tasks that truly amaze the imagination. But smartphones of the future will become really fantastic devices, whose capabilities can now be reflected only in the wildest fantasies. In this article we will share with you the most amazing and promising predictions about the future of these devices.
The future of smartphones, of course, for the introduction in them of fundamentally new functions and capabilities. Consider the most amazing of them:
Interested in the future of Windows smartphones,Samsung, iPhone, Lenovo, etc. are also curious about the "stuffing" of new gadgets. Intel Corporation assures the journalists that in 5-10 years will be able to present for these devices a 48-core processor. 3D-video, multi-speed "smart" search, anticipating your desires voice assistant - this is only a small part of what a gadget can offer with such hardware.
We hasten to inform, that in the future gadgets will becomea pass to the virtual reality in which even the most picky eye will not find an annoying image splitting into pixels - the resolution of smartphone screens of the future will exceed 4K! Enjoy the world, capable of replacing the real color by real, you can by wearing a special hermetic. Steps to a new reality are palpable even today - on the shelves of shops you can find devaysy, the resolution of the screens of which exceeds 2K.
It is also known that at present the corporationAmazon is working on creating a "smart" with a 3D screen. Its dignity is that the technology allows you to enjoy a three-dimensional 3D image without special 3D glasses.
All habitual displays, probably, will yieldprojections onto the scale planes. This unusual option can already test the owners of tablets Lenovo Yoga Tab 3 Pro. Do not lag behind and the possibility of sound - sound from the speakers will amaze you in the future with stereo and even quad-volvo. Therefore, it is likely that each of the futuristic devices will become, to some extent, a personal pocket theater.
The concept of a smartphone of the future will be directly connectedand with the achievements of Russian scientists. In 2010, Konstantin Novoselov and Andrey Geim were awarded the Nobel Prize for the discovery of such material as graphene. It has a lot of amazing qualities: flexibility, transparency, extraordinary strength (100 times stronger than steel), insensitivity to the effects of most liquids and gases. It was him who, as the future material for their creations, was noticed by Apple, Microsoft, Samsung. The very first graphene devices should be expected not earlier than in three years.
We are prepared by the developers and to a qualitatively newforms of the device body. Already presented curved Samsung Galaxy Round. The new form carries with it a new option Roll Effect - at a certain slope the phone will show the time and date. The same "Samsung" promises that in the future, its devices can be twisted, bent, wrapped around the arm like a bracelet or worn on the face like glasses. Of course, these manipulations will be performed not only for fun, but every certain bend will perform some function: viewing e-mail, receiving a notification, and so on.
Smartphones of the future, photos of which are presented inthis article will not allow your hands to freeze during the cold season - you can use them in gloves, not necessarily even sensory ones. For fans of ponazhimat on the buttons promise to introduce the technology Tactus - the touch screen will be raised and lowered under your fingers. A very bold statement from the leading manufacturers is also announced: devices in the future can be managed without material contact - by sight, by virtual touch or even by the power of thought.
Неудивительно, что будущие новинки смартфонов will have a fundamentally different camera. A new standard, which, by the way, device makers are already beginning to implement in their development, will be a dual camera. One of its sensors will be responsible for the color image, the other for black and white. This will allow you to get better and more saturated images.
It's possible that smartphones of the future in generalwill be produced without cameras. That is, without traditional cameras, mechanically duplicating the image on the screen. Scientists plan to "teach" the smartphone to identify objects. Neural networks, navigation tools, special programs and machine training will help him in this. In the end, having identified an orange, your "smart" will photograph it as an ideal orange, regardless of the quality of lighting and the presence of other disturbances. The same with portraits. You can ask the device for the best expression of your face, and it will copy it in different variations on your selfies.
Уже сегодня Google и Apple "учат" свои устройства to take the first steps in this fantastic direction. The phones are able to recognize faces and objects on the photos taken and, according to this, sort the latter into the corresponding albums. In the future, devices can do this in real time. Neural network also helps the smartphone to instantly rid the photo of interference, unnecessary details, filling the vacant space with a suitable texture.
Не исключено, что, проанализировав вашу локацию, time of day and year, weather conditions, and also having studied the millionth photo database from this place, the gadget can offer you the best foreshortening and pose for your picture.
Самым быстрым мобильным интернетом на сегодня is LTE (4G). The network can transmit data at a speed of 75 Mbps. However, for what will replace smartphones in the future, this is truly a ridiculous figure. Recently, the Korean corporation "Samsung" tested a new 5G-technology, which allows the transfer of information at a speed of 10 Gbit / s. In other words, you can download a movie in HD-quality with its help in just a few seconds. Massively to introduce technology in Korea, Samsung plans to start by 2020.
Progress also prepares us for the futuresmartphones - this is to everything else a replacement wallet, bank card, travel ticket, car keys, apartment and even a passport. Will ensure all this diversity development of NFC data transfer technology. It allows smart devices to exchange necessary data only when they are in close proximity to each other. The first steps we can already observe in the field of non-cash payments - the same system Apple Pay.
Как известно, главной валютой будущего станет time. Therefore, it's worthless to waste an hour, or even two, on charging your gadget. By the way, already in 2015, many phone models "could" charge for half an hour. But for smartphones of the future generation are ridiculous figures.
As early as 2014, the Israeli Corporation StoreDotpatented technology that allows you to charge the gadget in seconds. Surprisingly, it was based on the properties of molecules of the family of peptides, guilty of the disease of people with Alzheimer's syndrome. These tiny elements of matter have an incredible ability to accumulate energy.
StoreDot planned to spread itsnanobatteries back in 2016, but, as they say, it's still there. The firm also announced an important drawback of its invention - it discharges 30% faster than conventional lithium-ion batteries. The developers of the latter also do not stand still. ROHM, Aquafairy, Kyoto University are already working on new batteries, whose energy intensity will increase substantially due to hydrogen molecules. And the University of Illinois is working on creating a new concept of a lithium-ion battery, whose capacity will be 2000 times more modern, and the charging speed will increase by 1000 times! Evaluation of the development will be possible in 2020.
To charge the battery in the near future, do notyou need wires. Pioneers with this innovation is already released by Sony. However, wireless charging in them is a little arbitrary - you need a special mat at a certain distance.
Before us has evolved the usual "simka" beforemicro- and even nanosize. But apparently, this is not the end. Scientists inform us that we can not even see the sim cards of the future with the naked eye - the specialist will be able to install this part in your gadget only with the help of special magnifying devices.
To all other flagships, for which standsthe future of smartphones, - Apple and Samsung - share plans for the development of e-SIM. This "simka" will not need to buy and insert into your smartphone - its architecture will certainly include this part. The advantages of this SIM card are the following:
The introduction of the invention into the masses is expected in 2018.
Еще недавно ведущие корпорации стремились to offer the necessary arsenal of additional gadgets designed to expand the capabilities of the smartphone - headphones, virtual reality glasses, "smart" watches. Devaysam future will not need all this cumbersome accompaniment.
But the wireless headset will leave us soon.It is planned to increase the power of its battery, improve the sound quality, minimize the size. But with cases, bumpers, most likely, we will have to say goodbye, even with those that make up an interactive couple with a smartphone or have a built-in power bank: their capabilities will simply become irrelevant.
Future models of smartphones push the favoritemany tablets - they will be something middle between the phone and this device, will become a so-called "fable". Maybe some models will combine a "smart" and an e-book: on one side of the device will be a full-color screen, and on the other - an electronic ink display. Chances are that the smartphone of the future will be modular - the buyer will be able to assemble his gadget as a designer from a set of interesting modules. The first such models, by the way, are already available - Project Ara.
Smartphone in the future will help us foreversay goodbye to PCs and laptops - the device will only need to be placed on the docking station, connect to it a keyboard, mouse and, if necessary, a widescreen monitor. The first steps along this path are already done by Canonical, which released Ubuntu OS in 2013, with the same capabilities working on phones, PCs, tablets. Windows 10 has similar qualities.
Having become acquainted with these stunning announcements, we can only wait for their soonest implementation and hope for their availability in financial terms.