/ / How to make a hookah at home: the features of the process

How to make a hookah at home: the features of the process

how to make a hookah at home
Recently, the hookah has ceased to be exoticin our region. However, few know that you can not buy it anywhere. Also, few people can guess how to make a hookah at home. And it's very possible. First you need to collect the necessary material and the basis of the product.

To work you will need a tube of steelA small diameter that will be used as a mine. Naturally, the material should be as safe as possible for human health and not cause allergic reactions. Before you make a hookah at home, you should find a scheme of the structure of this product. Next, the assembly procedure will not be difficult.

As a basis, you can take a tin can ora teapot made of metal (the latter is most often used, since it is more simple to process). For smoking, you can apply any thin rubber hose. And you also need to find a hotplate from the gas stove. In order to connect all the details, you need to buy a soldering rod.

how to make a homemade hookah

So how to make a hookah at homeit is not difficult, then you will perfectly cope with this. However, do not forget about certain nuances. Now proceed directly to the assembly of the device. First, connect the burner with the steel tube. And the seam should be completely hermetic. The second end of the future shaft should be firmly attached to the lid of the kettle. To do this, you need to make a hole in it, the diameter of which will coincide with the diameter of the tube.

Before you make a hookah at home,should measure the length of the shaft. After that, the tube is inserted into the hole on the lid and soldered from both sides. For the seam to be neat, it is processed with a file.

The smoking hose should be attached to the nozzleteapot. To do this, the part of the last element should be sawed off. The hose should be inserted inside the spout. The connection must be airtight, so it is necessary to wrap it with electrical tape. In order that the hose does not jump out of the nozzle, it should be firmly fixed with a nut that is put on the element and plays the role of a yoke.

how to make a hookah yourself

If you know how to make a home-made hookah, andconfident in their abilities, all the same, be careful and try to observe the tightness of all seams. You can use foil for this. Then, a gas burner is installed on the lid, into which a small funnel should be placed. In it you can fall asleep tobacco, but it can be made from ordinary foil. On the hotplate put a strainer made of metal.

After all these actions, you can safelycheck the device for operation. To build such a design is real even from a normally metal can. To do this, it will be sufficient to make two holes in the cover (for hose and tube) and do everything as described above.

As for the cost of this self-madeproducts, it turns out very small in comparison with the price of the device in a specialized store. Now you know how to make a hookah with your own hands and will be able to enjoy pleasant moments of rest without problems. Good luck!

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