/ / Is it necessary to put a seal of the firm in the work book of a person when he is admitted to the position

Is it necessary to put a seal of the firm in the work record book of a person when he is admitted to the position

A profession is a type of human activity,who has the necessary knowledge and skills. They were obtained as a result of targeted training. This term is used to describe the activity of a category of people who are engaged in some kind of physical labor. An important question, why put the seal of the company in labor, many employers of Russia are interested.

According to the Labor Code of our country, withAdmission of a person to work is necessarily drawn up by an appropriate contract. But there are no points in the Code that regulate the contract with the print of the legal entity. It turns out that seal in work when applying for a job put in order to simply confirmauthenticity of the signatures of the parties. I must say that the legislation of our country determines the list of legal persons who, in addition to the constituent treaties, must have special seals. It is worth noting that they store the main requisites of the company.

By the way, prints of such seals musthave almost all the documents that are related to the economic, organizational activities of the organization. If a person is placed on the job for the first time, then a work book must be issued, which is a form of strict accountability.

Work books are compiled for all employees,who operate in the company for more than five days, and if such work is for the main person. On persons who work part-time, books are made only at the place of main work. It should be noted that such contracts are prepared in writing, make up two copies for both parties. If there is no seal in such a document, but the signatures of all authorized persons are present, this already confirms the fact of proper labor relations.

It turns out that the LC RF provides only a signaturethe head under such a contract, and the presence on the print of the seal in this case is not provided. By the way, it is not provided for the employer's seal to be printed in different contracts on collective or individual liability.

It should be noted that the binding of contractsthere is no violation of the relevant Russian legislation, and therefore the solution of an important question about the use of the press when drawing up such documents is either not, the employer may well decide on his own.

In conclusion, it should be said that upon dismissala person must print a seal in a book. The document is usually signed by the head or a staff member who acts on the basis of such an order.

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