Copyright is the systemintellectual rights of the author, thanks to whose creative work the work in the field of literature, science, various spheres of art was formed. So, what does the word "copyright" mean?
Now the term "copyright" as an integralpart fit into our daily life. Increasingly, the phrase "all rights reserved" is heard, and different types of products protected by copyright in the current business occupy the most part. In addition, we are now confronted with such kinds of creativity, which twenty years ago they did not even guess. From all the above, it follows that the growing importance of the notion of copyright can be explained by a significant expansion of its scope. Legislative protection of new forms of creativity became the reason and catalyst of active knowledge sharing and, of course, increased the economic effect of copyright.
A form that protects the intellectualproperty, you can call the copyright. This is a certain set of legal norms that are associated with the creation and dissemination of works of culture, science, art. The aim of the authors' desire to consolidate their rights is to prove that at the time of registration this subject of copyright is in an objective form, in this case all the copyrights are protected. When there are claims to authorship and there is a question of copyright protection, such actions performed earlier can be very useful.
Бернская конвенция по охране литературных и art works is designed to protect copyright in all countries that have signed it. Accordingly, under her protection are all works of authorship of citizens of the Russian Federation, and regardless of the country in which they were registered, and whether it was done at all. If we talk about copyright protection at the international level, then, like in Russia, registration is not necessary for them. If the author needs not just the fact that all rights are protected, but the proof that at the time of registration the work is in an objective form, it is necessary to consolidate authorship in the Russian copyright society. For situations of non-observance of copyright it is important to know that the proceedings must be conducted in the state where it was committed, in accordance with the laws of that state.
The fact that the rights are protected is oftenin particular, on various resources in the network, the special sign “all rights reserved” testifies. It is often used with the name of the copyright holder. Immediately indicate either a specific year when the material is published, or a time interval. A special graphic image that denotes copyright protection is the Latin letter C, which is located inside the circle. This choice is due to the fact that this is the initial letter of the English term copyright (English copyright, from "copy" and "right").
The fact that all rights are reserved on the site is sometimes reported with the help of the letter C, enclosed in brackets - (c).
It should be noted that this sign itselfadditional rights does not form. His presence does not correlate with the licensing of creative work. The inscription "copyright - all rights reserved" is only a specific copyright certificate. She ascertains the affiliation of the text or work. And vice versa - the non-placement of the mark does not at all mean that this intellectual property is not protected.
According to the laws of the Russian Federation copyright appears after the creation of the work. For copyright protection to function, no registration or other evidence is required.
The appearance of copyright, as already mentionedabove, it is interconnected with the very fact of the creation of the work. Russian legislation does not contain a mechanism for securing the copyright of a creature. The person who created the work, recognized by the author. He has: the exclusive right to the object, the right of authorship, the right to name, to the inviolability of the work, to its publication. Evidence that all rights reserved, text or information, through which it is possible to identify the author or copyright holder. Usually such data can be found on the original copy of the work. They can be attached to it, they can be attached to or made public by means of a message on the air and transmitted in such a way to the public.
When all rights are reserved, the author appearsproperty rights. They can reproduce his work, he can demonstrate it publicly, perform, import, distribute it by any convenient means, translate, make processing, transmit for public viewing on television, broadcast on the air. It is better for the author, right after the creation of the work, to secure for himself the proof that he is its owner at the given time. In the case of encroachment it will remove all the questions. If this is not done and claims of authorship arise, the true creator can obtain evidence through a process such as depositing. Its result is a certificate that guarantees reliable protection of the rights of the author on the Internet.