/ / US Consulate General in St. Petersburg: information on work

US Consulate General in St. Petersburg: Work Information

Since the formation of the Russian Empire, the US andRussia had rather complicated relations. The US Consulate General in St. Petersburg has great historical significance, because it was the first representation of America in our country. Therefore, many Russians consider it to be the main one and they strive to formalize all documents precisely through its specialists.

Today we will give you all the information you need to know by contacting the US Consulate General in St. Petersburg - address, schedule, telephone, services and nuances of filing. Let's take everything in order.

Consulate of United States in St. Petersburg

US Consulate in St. Petersburg: historical information

The first diplomatic mission of America toThe territory of Russia was opened in the eighties of the eighteenth century. Before the revolution of 1917 several consuls were replaced here. Some of them talked about the severity of this work and the exorbitant costs accompanying it.

Diplomatic relations with Soviet Russia were restored only in the thirties of last century. Then the US Embassy was opened in Moscow, where it is still located.

The US Consulate General in St. Petersburg has restoredhis activities in the city only in 1972. Since that time, the Mission has been actively working with Russian citizens, providing them with a wide range of services.

US Consulate in St. Petersburg: address

The staff of the diplomatic mission areon Furshtatskaya Street, house 15. I would like to clarify that the US Consulate General in St. Petersburg is hosting citizens regardless of their propiska. Therefore, Russians can come here from any region of the country and quickly draw up the necessary documents. This fact greatly facilitates our compatriots obtaining an American visa.

Consulate of United States in St. Petersburg address

Work schedule and phone

The US Consulate in St. Petersburg is hosting citizens witheight in the morning until half past six in the evening, the staff work without a break for lunch. It is worth noting that the institution is in strict order, and the employees of the diplomatic mission are very scrupulous about their activities. Therefore, it is not customary to be late or cancel appointments that have already been scheduled.

Лучше всего записываться на прием по телефону, whose number is easy to find on the official website. Usually the majority of visitors pass until ten thirty in the morning. The rest of the time, work is underway to issue visas and to receive citizens who were not recorded in advance.

It is worth considering that during holidays the GeneralThe US Consulate in St. Petersburg does not work. Holiday dates are official state holidays of the Russian Federation and the United States. Therefore, be careful when planning your visit to a diplomatic mission.

The US Consulate in St. Petersburg address telephone service schedule

Services provided by staff of the Consulate General in St. Petersburg

В первую очередь в Генеральное консульство США в St. Petersburg come citizens who dream to get a US visa. To do this, you will have to come to the institution twice. The first time you take part in the interview, which will pass the package of documents and answer questions from the employee of the diplomatic mission. After five working days you will need to come to get a ready-made visa, for this you do not have to make an appointment. Everything can be done in turn.

It is worth noting that in the territory of the US ConsulateOften there are meetings, national holidays and various recreational activities that should unite the Russian and American people. At any time, the representatives of the representative office are ready to provide the citizens of Russia with the necessary information and assist in obtaining a visa.

Помимо уже описанной работы с гражданами, The US Consulate General in St. Petersburg has a special department for public relations, as well as a representation of trade, agriculture and economics. All these departments are active in Russia.

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