/ / Correct design of the sanatorium card

Correct design of a sanatorium card

Probably, it is not necessary to say that everyonea person should monitor their health. Perhaps that's why the sanatorium services have recently started to be in great demand. However, after the voucher has been purchased, it is necessary to prepare documents, among which the special place is occupied by the design of the sanatorium-resort card.

This kind of medical document is, in addition to the permit, the basis for staying in a sanatorium. There are several ways in which you can make out the sanatorium card.

One of the options is to dodistrict polyclinic. This will be the cheapest way, but not the easiest. It is necessary to make an appointment with a therapist, with a ticket to the sanatorium. The doctor, in turn, will appoint tests and visit the necessary specialists. If you have a health insurance policy, it will all be free. However, many know with what queues can be found in the clinic, and the quality of service, most often, is quite low.

In cases where time is important, you can turn topaid polyclinic. Here you do not have to run around the offices and stand in huge queues, since in most cases these clinics are oriented, first of all, to the maximum comfort of the clients. And the equipment in them is more often more new and qualitative, which can not always be found in municipal polyclinics.

Sometimes you can arrangea sanatorium card in the sanatorium itself. The disadvantage of this method is that not all the institutions can have the right equipment, and the treatment will not be performed until the card is issued. Depending on the results obtained, procedures will be assigned. Many sanatoriums currently provide a wide variety of services of various profiles. It can be mud baths, balneotherapy and regular medication. Usually the additional services include a sauna, massage and more.

It should be noted:the validity period of the sanatorium card is only two months, which means that it takes several weeks before the trip takes place. This is due to the fact that some tests have a limited time, and retake them anew, spending money and time, enjoying the unpleasant.

What kind of tests are required?Almost everywhere, the design of the sanatorium card is standard, which means that you may need the following: fluorography (you may not need it if the previous one was done no more than a year ago), an electrocardiologic examination to be deciphered, general tests (urine and blood clinic). In addition, there should be a conclusion of the therapist and other narrow specialists, depending on the treatment profile. If a woman is sent to the sanatorium, an examination is also required from the gynecologist. Also, for specific diseases, other tests other than standard ones may be prescribed, for example, allergological tests, etc.

Thus, the sanatorium card, whichnot so difficult, is a very important document when referring to a medical institution. Focusing on it, the doctors of the sanatorium will be prescribed both treatment and various procedures (since some things can be contraindicated for a particular disease). Also, most often in the sanatorium, meals are provided, which also may vary depending on the client's illness. Many health facilities can offer a dietary table to patients.

If you take care of the correct registration of the spa card in advance, then in the future rest and treatment will be comfortable and not overshadowed.

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