/ / The supreme executive body

Supreme executive body

Государственный строй в России претерпел changes at the end of the last century. These changes necessitated a review of the content of the three spheres: the functions performed by the state, the activities of the systems responsible for their implementation, and the principles under which these systems operate. In this regard, the whole structure of government has undergone changes. Significant changes have occurred in the very mechanism of government.

Legislative power in Russia at the federal level is exercised by the Parliament - the Federal Assembly.

The government is a collegial representation. This supreme executive body includes the Chairman, the federal ministers, the Vice-Presidents.

The first is the Government,and outside the state, holds meetings, has the right to a decisive vote, signs governmental acts. In addition, he submits proposals to the President on the system of federal representations of the executive branch, the appointment or release of his deputies from office (or federal ministers), as well as their encouragement or imposition of penalties (disciplinary ones) on them. The Chairman of the Government carries out the assignment of duties between the deputies, and systematically provides information to the President on the work of the Government.

Заместители, которые входят в высший орган executive power, participate in meetings, having the right to a decisive vote, participate in the development and implementation of government policies. Their activities also include the preparation of orders and decisions, ensuring their implementation, coordinating the work of federal agencies, setting up instructions for them, and controlling their activities. The deputies also carry out preliminary consideration of projects, proposals, orders and resolutions that are submitted to the Government.

The federal ministers constituting the supreme bodyexecutive power, take part in government meetings, have the right to a decisive vote. They are endowed with managerial powers in the relevant federal representative offices. The ministers that make up the supreme executive body participate in the preparation of orders and decisions, ensure their implementation, and take part in the development and implementation of government policies.

Members of the Government can not:

  1. To be a member of the Federation Council, be deputies of the State Duma, representative bodies of subjects, elected representative offices of local self-government.
  2. Engage in entrepreneurship (through representatives or personally), including taking part in the management of an economic entity, regardless of its organizational and legal composition.
  3. Occupy other positions in state bodies, public associations, local government offices.
  4. Engage in other activities and receive payment for it, except for creative work (pedagogical and other).
  5. To be representatives or attorneys in the affairs of third parties in state bodies.
  6. Receive royalties for performances or publications related to the activities of the Government.
  7. To apply information, means of informative, financial, and also material or technical support, which provide only official use, for non-official purposes.
  8. Take for the exercise of their powers gifts, loans, monetary and other remuneration, services, payment for recreation and entertainment, including those not provided for in the Federal Law.
  9. Accept special and honorary titles, awards and other insignia from other states without the consent of the President.
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