Every year thousands of tourists from Russia flock to Holland. This picturesque country, located in the northern part of the Old World, really is a unique corner on the planet Earth.
The sea crafts are well developed here, perfectlyorganized agriculture. Moreover, the Netherlands is also a fount of objects of cultural heritage and historical values. Well, it's no secret to anybody that this country literally bewitches with its boundless fields of tulips and other flowers. That's why the visa to Holland is made not only by those who want to just relax abroad, but also those who intend to seriously engage in flower business in Russia.
It should be noted that in the past leadershipthe above-mentioned state, along with other European powers, has ratified the Schengen Agreement, therefore a special order of entry is envisaged for the guests of the Netherlands. In other words, foreigners must first obtain a Schengen visa to Holland. In fairness, it must be emphasized that the country of the "tulips" neighbors with the other participants of the above-mentioned treaty: France, Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg, and therefore the Schengen visa issued at the Dutch consulate gives the right to travel unhindered to these countries.
It should be emphasized that there are severaloptions for permission to enter the "flower" country, and it all depends on why you go there. For example, young people intending to get education in the country in question must obtain a student visa to Holland, and those who simply go to rest and admire the beauties should get a tourist visa.
Of course, many are interested in the question of which institutions to apply for authorization to enter the Netherlands.
However, it should be remembered that the issuance of a visain Holland - it's quite a troublesome business, because you need to collect a huge number of documents. Who specifically deals with the authorization to enter the country of "tulips"? Despite the fact that it is not so easy to issue a visa to Holland, you can do it yourself. The package of documents can be addressed to the Embassy of the Netherlands, located in the Russian capital, or to the Consulate General of the "orange" country, located in St. Petersburg. In addition, Dutch visa centers (in Rostov-on-Don, Yekaterinburg, Kazan) function successfully in our regions. Residents of Murmansk can apply to the Norwegian Consulate General, and residents of Kaliningrad - to the Swedish Consulate General.
Необходимо подчеркнуть, что визу в Голландию при you will not receive a request to the above-mentioned authorities without first recording online. As a rule, this procedure begins 14 days before the submission of a package of documents. The approximate time for issuing an entry permit to the Netherlands is 4 days, but in some cases it can be large.
The visa fee includes a consular fee ofthe amount of 35 euros and a service fee (when you issue a document in visa centers), for which you will have to shell out for 1000 rubles. As a result, the price of permission to enter the Netherlands is 2200 rubles.
Remember:to get a visa to Holland, you need to collect a fairly large package of documents. At the same time, you should know that a specific list of them directly depends on what goal you are pursuing, going to the "flower" country. However, the basic documents you will have to provide in any case.
So, you need a visa to Holland?The questionnaire is filled in the first place, while its data should be similar to what is contained in the application that you previously issued for obtaining a foreign passport.
What else is needed? We list the main:
Documents should be submitted in person. At the same time, if you do not have time to collect references and statements, then you can entrust this mission to another person, having previously issued a power of attorney.
Travelers and leisure lovers receive a visa inHolland by providing the documents listed in the previous paragraph. At the same time, if you want to get permission to enter the country of "tulips" as quickly as possible, it is better to apply for help to a company that deals with issuing visas abroad on a professional basis. Yes, in this case you will pay a little more expensive, but the visa will receive as soon as possible.
In addition to the standard package of documents,the entrepreneur will be obliged to report the reasons for his arrival in the Netherlands and indicate the exact time of stay in this country. If the initiative of the trip comes from the management of the company in which the foreign guest is working, then he must additionally provide a cover letter from the place of work.
It should be noted that business visa is difficult enough to prolong. As a rule, it is issued for a period of not more than one year.
Данный документ выдается тем, кто намеревается to obtain higher education in Holland. However, you must pre-contract with an overseas institution and transfer to him the tuition money that will stay on the deposit until you get a "foreign" diploma. When you move to Holland, you may be required to complete a certificate of secondary education, as well as papers confirming the fact of admission to the Dutch university. In addition, you will need a copy of the statement of the guarantor, which is the university of the Netherlands.
It is extremely difficult to arrange such a permit to enter Holland, since it is associated with obtaining a residence permit.
It should be noted residents of some countriesto be in the territory of the Dutch state without an immigration visa is prohibited. Specific information on this can be obtained from the visa application center or the consulate of the Netherlands.
Deciding whether to issue you a MVV visa or not,adopts a separate structure - the Immigration and Naturalization Service of the Netherlands. And, of course, you need to be aware that obtaining an immigration visa without outside help is a very difficult task, so it’s better to rely on professionals in this matter.