/ / Local government bodies. Main functions and authorities

Bodies of local self-government. Main functions and authorities

Local self-government bodies are electedterritorial community administrative bureaucratic structures, which are given full power, including the competence to manage the city (rural or district) economy. The powers of such structures do not exceed the boundaries of municipalities, and the practice of holding regular direct elections allows "tying" officials to local public opinion and the socio-economic sentiments of the local commune.

Local government bodies

2 levels of municipal authority

In accordance with our Constitution, bodieslocal self-government are included in the general system of state power of the Russian Federation and exercise their powers at two basic levels. The first is city districts, the second level is municipal districts. At the same time, a special status was given to cities of federal significance, where intra-municipal municipalities, acting on general grounds in accordance with the law on local self-government and the charter of the municipality, are prevalent.

Representative bodies of local self-government


The bodies of local self-government of the Russian Federation have the following competencies:

- determining the priorities for the development of the communal economy, including through the industrial or infrastructure specialization of enterprises located on the territory of the municipality;

- the formation of the local budget and the bases of the regional tax policy, including the solution of issues related to the introduction and administration of local fees;

- management of urban property, addressing issues of attracting private investors;

- determination of priorities and creation of development plans for the entrusted territory;

- construction and support of municipal communications, which ensure the vital activity of this territorial formation;

- landscaping, support of local social infrastructure (schools, hospitals, kindergartens, etc.).

Executive bodies of local self-government

Representative bodies of local self-government

They are chosen by the regional community through directvoting in the general election. Typically, they include urban / rural leaders and municipal meetings. In large cities, divided into separate regions, power is exercised through prefects and sub-prefects. In the territory of smaller municipalities, vital issues are taken at general meetings or gatherings. However, in most cases decisions are taken either by deputies of local dumas elected for 4 years, or by a selective official.

Executive bodies of local self-government

In addition, local governmentshave the right to create specialized posts or bureaucratic structures to which supervisory functions are transferred, as well as powers to allocate resources owned by the urban community. The existence of such a structure or position is fixed in the adopted charter of the municipality. The powers granted are most often adjusted depending on the strategy and priorities of the socio-economic development of the given territory. They can also be eliminated if they do not conform to the policies pursued by local authorities.

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