As one of the means of implementationthe customs policy of the country uses various forms of customs control, which is a set of measures that are carried out by authorized bodies. These measures are aimed at ensuring compliance with relevant legislation.
Customs control provides for the definition ofconformity of operations, which are carried out by the parties of customs and legal relations, requirements of the customs legislation. For this, various kinds of checks are used. Customs control also involves activities to identify various violations.
Authorized bodies verifymovement of vehicles and goods. In the system of internal financial control they perform a special role. They carry out customs control in accordance with their rights and duties, which, in turn, are similar to the duties and rights of tax inspections. In particular, they are authorized to perform tax inspections, study documents, suspend operations, apply sanctions and so on.
The Federal Customs Service isexecutive body. Its activities are carried out in accordance with the law. The service is authorized to perform not only customs control and supervision, but also perform the functions of an agent for currency checks, special tasks to combat smuggled goods, administrative offenses and other crimes.
Activities of the Federal Customs Serviceis carried out through the relevant bodies and representative offices outside the country. At the same time, there is interaction with other executive bodies of federal significance, local self-government, public organizations and other associations.
The tasks of the Federal Customs Service include:
To resolve the tasks established within the scope of authority, the customs authorities carry out: