/ / What is a pre-trial settlement of disputes?

What is pre-trial settlement of disputes?

In today's world, as always, there are situations when the case is heard in court. Is it possible to solve such situations by other methods? Of course you can.

pre-trial settlement of disputes
When is it possible to settle the dispute?

Pre-trial settlement of disputes mayto be present in any situation when one of the parties wants to finish the matter peacefully, by bringing clear and well-founded justifications for the bad consequences of the trial in court. At the same time, a great many undeniable advantages are taken into account, according to which disputes are settled.

How is it characterized?

The resolution of disputes voluntarily or necessarily before the case is referred to the court has the following characteristic features:

- small material costs, since it does not require payment of state duty and fees to lawyers / lawyers for their assistance in court;

- a high probability of maintaining friendships and partnerships;

- operational pre-trial settlement of disputes;

- lack of publicity, since there is no need to participate in high-profile proceedings;

- the absence of established procedures in most cases.

tax dispute resolution
What causes reluctance to go for reconciliation of the parties?

Pros are clearly visible, but the lack of counterpartiesor an official of a public authority wanting to make a concession may be due to a variety of reasons. Judicial protection of rights is only a small part of the disputes that arise among businessmen, since most conflicts are subject to regulation pending trial. For example, the resolution of tax disputes. The emerging conflict between business partners can be resolved in the early stages, by making claims to each other.

What is the task of those who are trying to resolve the conflict?

The main task is the report to the opponentinformation about the consequences of his behavior, which is against the law, the conviction that the trial does not make sense and that this approach has no adverse consequences. Pre-trial settlement of disputes suggests that by presenting the prospect of a recovery of damages, damages, lost profits, court costs, the conflicting party, as a rule, reviews the situation. Thus, she comes to the conclusion that it is better to fulfill her obligations and go through the pre-trial settlement of disputes.

dispute resolution
What is the procedure for the procedure?

- research materials and circumstances of the dispute;

- analysis of the situation on the basis of the documentation provided;

- assessment of the dispute in terms of law;

- development of a pre-trial settlement strategy;

- implementation of the preparation of objections;

- conduct of negotiations;

- providing the necessary legal support in the implementation of the agreement.

If it was not possible to resolve the conflict peacefully?

In the event that you settle the dispute withoutthe trial by means of negotiations still did not work out, then the organization can provide you with reliable protection of interests in the court of any jurisdiction, including the highest instance.

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