Wishing to hand over or rent a house today is enough.a lot of. Landlords who provide such premises for rent, you should know some rules that must be observed in order to protect themselves from possible risks. One of these rules is the mandatory compilation of a document called "Inventory of the property when you rent an apartment." A sample of this document is shown in the photo below.
In most cases, the owners of apartments orhouses, wishing to rent their premises, do not bother with drawing up any documents. Often, some of them do not even bother to write and sign a lease with tenants. These ill-considered actions in the end can lead to very disastrous results. Even the so-called deposit, which guarantees the payment of rent and the security of the property, will not help here. In case of a judicial dispute, the judicial bodies will be on the side of tenants, because there are no documents!
Inventory of the property upon delivery of the apartment (sampleis located below), as well as directly the contract itself, to which it is attached and is considered its integral part, are necessary in order to protect the property of the owner of the apartment. Drawing up the contract, the tenant and the lessor establish in it the rules for using the apartment, list the duties of each other (for example, who should repair or who is responsible for paying utility bills). But, in addition to duties, the contract also introduces the rights of counterparties. These include the right of the owner to an occasional visit to a dwelling for his inspection. The parties can set a certain time frame when the landlord checks the housing. They can provide for any other rights of both the landlord and the tenant.
Having concluded the lease, the owner of the home will protectof possible subsequent risks associated with the relationship with the lessee. These risks can be expressed in non-payment of rent, in damage to property, in causing other damage. The contract will be the document that the landlord can refer to in court, as the basis for his rights and obligations of the tenant. Moreover, in the case of a crime involving an apartment or a tenant, the contract will be evidence in the investigation of the criminal case.
Of course, the lease will be incomplete, if notwill be attached to him inventory of the property when you rent the apartment, a sample of filling which can be seen in the photo. What does this document give? First, it lists all the things and other items that are in the apartment (house) at the time of its transfer to the lease. This will protect the landlord from the case when, at the dissolution of the lease, it turns out that there is not enough in an apartment, for example, a TV set. Referring to the inventory of the property at the delivery of the apartment (sample see below), the owner can prove the fact of the presence of this TV when receiving-transfer housing. That is, he can convince the court that the tenant got an apartment with a TV, and returns it without him. Therefore, from such a tenant, the amount of damage caused to the owner must be recovered. If there is a contract and an inventory, the court will make a positive decision and charge the cost of the TV from the tenant.
Example of property inventory when renting an apartment(a sample of this document) is shown in the photo below. However, we list all the necessary details that this act should contain. First, the document should be entitled. You can choose any name: "Inventory record", "Inventory of property", "Acceptance report", etc. After specifying the name, you should write the place of compilation and the number. Further information on the parties is filled in, information is provided both by the lessor and its counterparty, after which a reference is made to the lease agreement. After all the above information is fixed, the parties must write what the landlord hands over with the accommodation, and the tenant accepts the "next property". After these words, the property is transferred to the apartment. The completion of the document should be signed by the parties.
Depending on the room being transferred, fromThere are some difficulties in what remains in it. For example, if an empty room is handed over, the act of inventorying the property upon delivery of the apartment (the sample of filling is presented above in the photo) will contain very little information. It will only need to indicate items such as water meters, sanitary items, and other items in the room. At the same time, nowadays people quite often rent an apartment completely ready for living, having everything you need (even forks and spoons). In this situation, the inventory in question can be stretched over several sheets. It is important in such cases not to disregard the rules, write and indicate each subject. Moreover, the state of the transferred property can be fixed in a photo or video, then attached to the lease contract. Inventory of property is a serious document, which can be useful in the future to protect the interests of the lessor.