/ / Reference from work for the Schengen visa: the subtleties of the design

Reference from work for the Schengen visa: the subtleties of the design

Today's journeys are an integral part of lifemost of the population. That's why it's worth knowing about the process of creating and implementing tours. For example, Thailand or Vietnam is very easy to visit: there is no need to take care of the visa subtleties. Another thing is the United Kingdom, the United States of America, or, finally, Europe.

Visiting Schengen

Schengen zone for your visitrequires the formulation of a certain tolerance, which should be "dealt with" very carefully and painstakingly. For example, one of the necessary documents - a certificate from work for the Schengen visa, only one will take a lot of time! But, despite this, Russian citizens in crowds visit the famous Eiffel Tower or the stunning Ionian Sea on the Peloponnese in Greece.

Certificate from work for the Schengen visa sample 2014
Nothing will stop before the desire to learn new things, and some difficulties will even give the journey some charm.

Reference from work for the Schengen visa

The reference, which is issued at the official place of work of the applicants, must correspond to a multitude of requirements.

First, a certificate of employment for a Schengen visa is issued on the company letterhead of the organization in which the applicant is employed.

Schengen visa certificate from work
In other words, the document header must havecertain content - the official name of the company, all contact and postal data and the address of the location. If possible, you can print the company logo.

Secondly, the content of the application must bethe following: the official position held and the length of service of the applicant, the terms of the leave granted and the guarantee that the employee will retain his position and position. Below, if desired, you can specify the purpose of obtaining this help.

Subtleties when drawing up a certificate

  • The paper on which the document itself is printed,should be very good - not minty, without specks. Many consuls often pay attention even to its quality - a material pleasant to the touch plays a role in the decision to grant or deny admission to the country.
  • At the bottom of the document it is necessary to put at least two signatures, among which there may be a signature of the head or his deputy, the director or the head of the personnel service.
    certificate from work for the Schengen visa
    Certificate of employment for a Schengen visa (sample2014) says the following: if the applicant himself is one of the above, he has the right to sign the document if, in addition to his signature, there is one or two other people.

Example of writing help

Certificate of employment for Schengen visa, samplewhich is presented below, may vary slightly depending on whether the permit is made by the individual - either alone or through a travel agent. But the meaning and layout will be approximately similar in any cases.

The document header can be located either in the middle, or left or right, the main rule is at the top.

LLC "Romashka" 1212122, Moscow, Leninsky Prospekt 1/1, Tel. 890-09-09, Fax 899-90-90, Ex. No. 12/7 of 13 April 2013

Title - Help - eIt should be located clearly in the middle of the sheet.

Reference from work for the Schengen visa to Spain: sample.

Dana Petrenko Ivan Alekseevich for confirmationThe fact that he really works since March 3, 2004 in the company of "Romashka" LLC in the position of Deputy General Director for the economic part with a salary of 75,000 rubles (seventy-five thousand rubles).

For the period from July 8, 2013 to July 28, 2013 Petrenko IA leave is granted with the guarantee of retaining his workplace.

The certificate was issued for the General Consulate of Spain in the city of Moscow.

Further - signatures from the authorities (two or more).

Visit countries such as Italy, Spain,Denmark, Greece, and many others will allow a Schengen visa. The reference from the work will become one of the constituent parts of its soon getting and the possibility of implementing the "tourist desire".

List of documents for registration of Schengen visa

  1. Foreign passport and its photocopy. For different countries, its validity period will be different, but mostly this is three months.
  2. It is desirable to have originals (in extreme cases photocopies) of all formerly revoked passports, since the presence of travel notes in them positively influences the response on consular visa.
  3. Photos that meet certain requirements - without ovals and corners, a person must occupy at least 65 percent, but not more than 85. On a matte surface.
  4. Guarantee of financial possibilities of the applicant. This can be an extract from a bank account, the amount must be at least 50 euros per traveler on the day of the tour.
    certificate from work for the Schengen visa sample
    That is, if the voucher is purchased for 10 days, then the account must be at least 500 euros.
  5. Reference from work for the Schengen visa. The rules for its execution have been described in detail above.
  6. Questionnaires that will be provided bytourist operator, who is the organizer of the tour. Filled in both electronic form and capital letters. It is necessary to have a handwritten signature in four places.
  7. Students of universities and institutes should be accompanied by a photocopy of the valid student card to the package of documents, and to students - a certificate from the educational institution that confirms the fact of study.

By getting a visa yourself

Reference from work for the Schengen visa to Spain sample
When registering the whole tour and visa separatelywithout the help of professionals will have to take care of several more documents. It is necessary to provide confirmed and paid air ticket reservations to the consulate, a voucher from the hotel or hotel and medical insurance, which will be valid for the entire period of travel.

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