Have you ever heard of hives?No, this is not the consequences of contact with a well-known burning plant. This name received a rather unpleasant disease, which at least once in my life I had to face every person. What you need to know about this disease, what symptoms of urticaria and how to act when it appears - we will analyze the problem in more detail.
Active childhood of today's adults foreverleft a memory of contact with nettle - on the skin appear blisters that are unbearably baked and itch. And today we are faced with the appearance of similar symptoms, even if the nettle has never been seen live.
Hives are the result of the body's reaction tocertain irritants that can come from the environment or from within the body. It is difficult to name an independent disease urticaria, it is rather a concomitant phenomenon of certain chronic conditions or a variant of an allergic reaction.
The appearance of symptoms of hives can bring considerable discomfort, and ignorance of general information about such manifestations is fraught with serious complications.
In order to start treatment of urticaria in time, it is necessary to have basic information about the first signs and peculiarities of the course of this disease.
At the onset of the disease, the skin appearscharacteristic blisters of irregular shape. They rise above the skin and gather in groups of 4-6 pieces. This place is very itchy, the fluid from the blisters does not stand out. A few hours later they disappear without a trace, but immediately appear in several other places, taking with them "fellow". The process is gradually generalized, the itching becomes unbearable, the general condition worsens.
Symptoms of hives with a progressive formrashes also are headache, chills, fever. The processes occurring in the body are similar to an allergic reaction, and if the measures are not taken in time, then the development of such serious complications as edema of tissues, especially the airways.
The doctor can accurately determine the hives onbasis of visual inspection. However, if there is no possibility to immediately consult a specialist, it is worth knowing the main distinctive features of this disease.
Timely attention to such symptoms will minimize the risk of complications and adequate treatment for urticaria.
Крапивница – это реакция организма на внешний или internal negative factor. That is why the key to successful recovery is the elimination of the causes of hives. Only after removal of the irritating factor, effective therapy can be prescribed, which also eliminates external manifestations of the disease.
Among external or exogenous factors of influence on the body that are capable of provoking urticaria, can distinguish the following:
Endogenous or internal factors lie in thesystemic diseases of the body. Violation of the liver, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, autoimmune diseases, tumoral processes - all this can cause urticaria. In this case, completely to get rid of itchy rashes will be possible only after treatment of the underlying disease, which led to such manifestations.
It is necessary to distinguish the forms of the disease, because the degree of severity of symptoms, the nature of the course of the disease and the lifestyle of the patient depend on this.
The most common is acuteurticaria, when the symptoms of the disease manifest themselves sharply after a short time after contact with the allergen or other substance that causes the disease. Often there is an acute urticaria in children.
A feature of the acute form is the rapidthe course of the disease - with proper treatment the symptoms go through two days, but under the supervision of the doctor the patient remains for two weeks after the disappearance of external symptoms.
Chronic disease has a disease if the causethe occurrence of urticaria can not be excluded entirely from the life of the patient. For example, chronic urticaria on the hands is manifested as a result of constant contact with detergents, rashes on the body - a response to violations in the work of the liver and so on. This form of the disease requires careful examination, correction of lifestyle and diet.
Depending on the factor provoking a relapse of rashes, physicians distinguish several basic types of urticaria:
According to the international classification of diseases ICD-10 urticaria has the code L50. Depending on the types of disease, each sub-species has its own code:
Treatment of such a disease should be complex - only the external ointment from hives will not help.
Ярко выраженные симптомы – это следствие the production of a large amount of histamine, which can also lead to swelling of the tissues and difficulty breathing (swelling of Quincke). Therefore, the first measure for the appearance of urticaria symptoms in children and adults is the intake of antihistamines in the dosage indicated on the package.
Further treatment is aimed at identifying the causedisease and its elimination, as well as the restoration of normal functioning of the body. In the acute form of the disease, when the appearance of a rash provoked an external factor, it must be excluded (from the diet or contact), and the patient is assigned sorbents, lacto- and bifidobacteria to normalize the intestinal microflora. Within two weeks after the appearance of rashes the patient is shown a sparing diet. With urticaria also recommend therapeutic starvation with a plentiful drink within 2 days.
Chronic form, in addition to the above measures, requires a thorough examination of the body and treatment of pathological processes that can provoke a relapse of rashes.
Incorrect diagnosis and untimely helpwith acute urticaria can lead to edema of the respiratory tract and death. Therefore, it is so important in time to determine the presence of the disease, its severity and seek medical advice from a doctor.
Absence of proper treatment of ailment, withdrawalonly acute first symptoms without a systemic approach can lead to accumulation of harmful substances in the body and provoke the transition of urticaria from acute to chronic form. And that in turn is much more difficult to treat and causes significant discomfort to the patient.
In children under 5 years of age, urticaria is veryoften - the digestive and excretory systems are still immature, and for the development of an acute reaction of a fairly small amount of an allergen. Most often, babies suffer from the acute form of urticaria, which, with the right treatment, takes 2-3 days.
In ICD-10, the hives of newborns are allocatedseparately from other species and has the code P83.8. It is caused by an allergic factor that gets to the baby from the mother during pregnancy (medication, nutrition). Therefore, this type of urticaria does not require specific treatment.
Quickly remove the acute symptoms will help only antihistamines. In some severe cases, they should be administered intramuscularly and under the supervision of a doctor.
Но когда крапивница не доставляет острого discomfort, has an annoying chronic form, and the constant intake of drugs does not inspire, you can reconsider your approach to treatment. This will help the following simple recommendations:
The diagnosis of urticaria, delivered once (evenin childhood), can affect the way of life of a person forever. And not only in a negative way, it means only that you need to more carefully and carefully treat everything that surrounds you in your daily life.
The tendency to urticaria should convince you of the rejection of chemically processed foods, beautiful, but harmful sweets, alcohol.
Household chemistry should be selected taking into account the characteristics of the organism, it is better to give preference to organic means intended for children.
Carefully watch your health whentry something new - medicine, vitamins, foods, washing powder. Such control will allow to quickly identify and exclude allergenic agent when hives occur.
Be attentive to your health and surroundings, and the rash will never cause you any serious trouble!