The word "colitis" is very similar to the word "colic,so often people call it any spasms and bloating in the lower abdomen. However, the symptoms of intestinal colitis are very different from colic and require serious treatment.
What is colitis of the intestine
It is an inflammatory disease that spreads to certain parts of the colon or to all parts of the colon.
Symptoms of colitis:
Types of colitis:
Acute colitis
Most common in acute infectionsintestines (dysentery, yersiniosis), with various poisoning and allergies. Symptoms of colitis of the intestine: high fever, sweating, weakness, dizziness, dry, hard tongue. There is frequent diarrhea with blood, mucus. The abdomen hurts fights, it can be heavily swollen, and with very severe diarrhea - on the contrary, it is drawn in. Pressing on the large intestine is painful.
For diagnosis, bacteriological examination of feces is performed, X-rays and a colonoscopy are made.
Chronic colitis
Most often occurs due to eating disorders,gastritis, pancreatitis, alcohol abuse, dysbiosis, frequent food poisoning. The main symptoms of intestinal colitis in a chronic variant are a quickening of the stool up to 15 times a day, with constipation replacing diarrhea. Often stools become very fetid. In addition, there is soreness in the lower abdomen and increased pain when bowel is emptied.
Diagnose chronic colitis with the help of irrigoscopy, which allows you to determine the localization and extent of the disease, the depth of inflammation and its severity.
Nonspecific ulcerative colitis
This is necrotizing inflammation of the rectum.Symptoms of colitis of the intestine of this type: diarrhea with pus, blood, mucus, abdominal pain. The temperature rises, the patient begins to lose weight very much. Pallor, fatigue, anemia develops.
The causes of such a disease may lie in the areaimmune system, infections, special sensitivity of the intestinal mucosa. Dangerous nonspecific colitis that can lead to abscesses, fistulas, ruptures of the intestinal wall, internal bleeding. Therefore, with the first symptoms you need to urgently go to the doctors. The diagnosis is made only after endoscopy, x-rays and histology.
Treatment of colitis
Always includes the use of medicinesdrugs and strict diet. Raw food and dairy products are excluded. Food should be easily assimilated and be saturated with vitamins and beneficial microelements. Physical stress, stress should be avoided.
Drug treatment includes diarrhea, sulfonamide drugs, enzymes and sedatives. In case of acute nonspecific colitis surgical intervention may be necessary.
Treatment of colitis at home is based on compliance with the diet and the application of medicinal herbs. These fees can successfully combine with traditional medicines.
Improvement in complex treatment occurs in a few weeks. However, a stable effect is achieved only after six months of regular intake of infusions of herbs, diet and medicines.
Self-medication for any type of colitis is contraindicated, so be sure to seek help, conduct a checkup and follow the doctor's instructions.