/ / Gepatrin: instructions for use

Gepatrin: instructions for use

It is known that the liver is responsible for cleaningorganism, being its main filter, as well as a regulator of metabolic processes. However, in recent years, people are increasingly turning to specialists with different problems related to the activities of this body. To maintain the functions of the liver today pharmacological companies are issued a variety of means. One of the effective and quite popular is the drug "Gepatrin". The remedy is not a medicine, it is registered as a dietary supplements.

hepatrin drug

Mechanism of action

Additive provides triple liver protectiondue to the positive properties of components in its composition. In the medium there is an extract of artichoke leaves, silymarin from the fruits of milk thistle. Also BAD "Gepatrin" (instruction for use indicates this) contains lecithin essential phospholipids. Extract from the leaves of artichoke has a cholagogue effect. This is due to the presence in it of chlorogenic and caffeic acids, cynarine, which are derivatives of polyphenol. Due to the useful properties of the compounds, the bile outflow is regulated, the excretion of toxins and toxins is accelerated. Silymarin, present in the fruits of milk thistle, shows an antioxidant effect, prevents the accumulation of lipid hydroperoxides, thus protecting the liver cells from damage. Phospholipids have a hepatoprotective effect. The source of these components is lecithin. This compound is an essential component for the restoration of hepatic cells. Increased activity of all components of the drug provides a complex of B-vitamins. He takes part in the exchange of amino acids, the formation of fatty unsaturated acids, the oxidation of products of carbohydrate decay. The composition also contains E-vitamin. This component prevents damage to the liver cells by free radicals.

hepatrin instructions for use

Means "Gepatrin". Indications for use

Добавка назначается для устранения и prevention of adverse effects on the liver of various damaging factors. In particular, the drug is indicated for violations in the diet, the intake of predominantly carbohydrate or fatty foods. The drug effectively reduces the severity of intoxication with alcohol, drugs on the background of their long reception. Supplements "Gepatrin" instructions for use recommend patients after liver pathologies, to eliminate pain or discomfort in the area of ​​the body.

Contraindications and side effects

It is not recommended to supplement during pregnancy,patients with hypersensitivity, children. Do not take the drug and during lactation. Supplements "Gepatrin" (instructions for use warns about it) can provoke an allergy. As a rule, this complication arises against the background of intolerance of any component. If the condition worsens, discontinue therapy and visit a doctor.

heparrin indications for use

Dosing regimen

Gepatrin means application instructionrecommends adults twice a day on the capsule. The duration of the course is a month. If necessary, the specialist can increase the duration of admission to 3 months, with a repetition of the course after 1.5-2 months.

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