/ / Minimally invasive surgery: features, risks, benefits and consequences

Minimally invasive operation: features, risks, benefits and consequences

Minimally invasive surgery is surgicalinterference in the body without incisions. In this case, everything is done through punctures and special equipment. About what features and benefits this operation has, we'll talk further in the article.


The main difference between this operation and the usual one is that it occurs through point punctures of the tissue or through natural openings in the body.

Minimally invasive surgery is done under localanesthesia. That is, a person is conscious. The procedure usually lasts about an hour. After that, the patient does not need to stay in the hospital.

minimally invasive operation

Minimally invasive surgery is of two types. Namely, laparoscopy and endoscopy. Now we will talk about each of them.

Description of laparoscopy

Laparoscopy allows, through surgical intervention, to treat the following diseases:

  • infertility in women;
  • endometriosis;
  • ovarian cyst;
  • uterine myoma;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • cancer.

During an operation of this type on the frontThe abdominal wall makes small incisions. Their size is from half to one and a half centimeters. The incision or puncture is carried out by means of a trocar - a special thin tube.

minimally invasive removal operations

To carry out the operation, 3 or 4puncture. Further through these openings, carbon dioxide is introduced into the body. It is necessary to create the necessary space for the operation. In addition, a camera is inserted through the incisions, which will display the internal space on the monitor, and tools.

Description of Endoscopy

What is an endoscopic minimally invasive operation? This study of the internal organs of man. This procedure is carried out through endoscopes - special optical instruments.

Unlike laparoscopy, this operation is notimplies the making of special cuts, since endoscopes are inserted through the natural openings of the body. For example, in order to examine the stomach, the device is administered through the mouth and esophagus. If necessary, to examine the patient's lungs and bronchi, the endoscope is delivered to these organs through the larynx. And to diagnose the function of the bladder, the device is injected through the urethra.

Before endoscopy, the patient is givenhypnotic. This is necessary in order for the patient to be in a relaxed state during the operation. The state of health of the operated person is under the control of an anesthesiologist. And after awakening, the patient, as a rule, does not feel any painful signs.

Indication for the operation

minimally invasive surgeries

Let's consider in what cases this intervention is observed:

  1. Minimally invasive operations are carried out to remove the gallbladder, appendicitis, various tumors in the stomach and intestines.
  2. Through such surgery, you can remove stones in the urinary tract, prostate adenoma, tumors in the bladder. Also this method restores the patency of the ureters.
  3. With the help of this method, gynecological operations are performed.
  4. Plastic surgery.
  5. Removal of lymph nodes and tumors.
  6. Vessel treatment, namely removal of sclerotic pathology.


In modern medicine, there are clear advantages of minimally invasive surgeries:

  1. This surgical intervention does not require hospitalization of the patient.
  2. A person is not given antibiotics before the procedure.
  3. Minor pain after surgery.
  4. A quick period of rehabilitation and a return to work.
  5. Less chance of occurrence of any complications after the intervention.
  6. The period of stay in the hospital is from 1 to 3 days.
  7. Absence of postoperative sutures, which require bandaging and special therapy.

Minimally invasive surgical operations: minuses and consequences

minimally invasive endoscopic operations

But this method has its drawbacks.So, for the surgeon there is a certain complexity in carrying out the operation, namely space limitation. In addition, the entire operation is carried out by special tools, there is no tactile contact, which causes certain difficulties. For example, when suturing a patient. For carrying out such serious procedures, the surgeon must have a certain skill.

Heart surgery

Minimally invasive cardiac surgery is considered one of the latest achievements of modern medicine. They allow for successful interventions to treat heart disease.

minimally invasive heart surgery

Such procedures are considered the most gentle method.By means of modern medicine technologies, it became possible to combine several stages of the operation into one. For example, with this method of intervention, it is not necessary to connect a person to an artificial circulation device. There are statistics, thanks to which it is known that after carrying out such surgical interventions, the risk of occurrence of any complications is significantly reduced.

Minimally invasive surgery is performed for adult patients and children (even the smallest patients). With them, the number of deaths is significantly less.

Operations for the treatment of congenital heart diseaseA minimally invasive method allows them to be carried out by very young children. At the same time, the rehabilitation period is significantly reduced, so that patients can quickly return to normal life.

Minimally invasive hemorrhoids removal

Another direction of using this method in medicine is an operation to remove hemorrhoids. Let us briefly recall what kind of illness it is.

Hemorrhoids - a disease of the rectum, which arises from the expansion of veins in its walls. The latter leads to the formation of blood clots, which are called hemorrhoidal nodes.

minimally invasive hemorrhoids removal

The progression of this diseasedivided into 4 stages. It is believed that the first stage can be cured without surgery. But the disease in the last stages can be treated only surgically.

The essence of the stages of hemorrhoids is that thefurther the disease develops, the newly formed nodes protrude more and, as a result, drop out of the anus, causing many problems and inconveniences to the patient. The operation is appointed at the last stage, when other methods of treatment failed. It is also taken into account the fact that thrombosis develops in the nodes.

In addition to the traditional surgicalintervention, the operation for removal of hemorrhoids is performed by a minimally invasive method. Its essence lies in the fact that it is performed without a scalpel. The patient is given several punctures in the internal tissues, through which the operative intervention is performed.

There are several types of minimally invasive operations to remove hemorrhoids:

  1. Sclerotherapy.
  2. Ligation (with this method, latex rings are used).
  3. Laser coagulation.
  4. Photocoagulation. This operation is performed using infrared radiation.
  5. Application of a radial scalpel.
  6. Cryodestruction.

The main advantage of such methods is a short period of recovery of the body.


Recently, many specialists givepreferring minimally invasive endoscopic operations. By the way, some patients can be examined for diagnosis in this way.

advantages of minimally invasive operations

From the foregoing, it can be concluded thatthis type of intervention is a modern achievement of medicine. It allows you to choose the most sparing method of surgery for patients, which is especially valuable in the presence of additional pathologies in the body.

Thanks to such a method as minimally invasivesurgery, the risk of complications is minimized, the period of rehabilitation of the patient takes less time, and the return to the usual rhythm of life occurs much faster than after the usual surgical intervention.

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