/ / Preparation "Pectusin" (syrup). Instructions for use

The drug "Pectusin" (syrup). Instructions for use

The drug "Pectusin" (syrup) is a medicinal product, referred to the group of expectorant medications. Its main purpose is cough softening for colds.

The drug "Pectusin" (syrup), the instruction for its use describes its dosage form, is a brown liquid having a sweet taste and a specific odor.

The preparation contains thyme extract(thyme) and potassium bromide. These substances are the main active ingredients. In addition, the composition of the drug is enriched with sugar syrup, purified water and ethyl alcohol. In the pharmacy network, you can buy the drug in bottles with a capacity of one hundred, twenty-five, one hundred and fifty, as well as two hundred and fifty milliliters.

The preparation "Pectusin" (syrup), the instruction onthe application of which gives a sufficiently detailed description of its basic pharmacological properties, has a therapeutic effect on the body, thanks to which the sputum is liquefied and its excretion is accelerated. In addition, the drug increases the amount of secretion of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract and contributes to the expectorant effect.

The main active ingredient in the syrup is grassthyme, together with its essential oils, has an antimicrobial and fungicidal effect on the body. Thyme is characterized by an anesthetic and expectorant effect. Potassium bromide reduces the excitability of the central nervous system and is able to suppress the reflex origin of cough. It can also exert an expectorant effect on the body. To a small extent, the drug has an antibacterial effect. Getting into the oral cavity, the main active substances of the drug have an afferent effect on the peripheral end of the nerves, irritating them. This process helps reduce inflammation in the upper respiratory tract.

The medicine "Pectusin" (syrup),the instruction on which application gives a list of pathologies in which its use is recommended, is used for bronchitis and tracheitis, as well as for pneumonia and whooping cough. It is included in complex treatment as an effective expectorant.

The preparation "Pectusin" (syrup), the instruction onthe application of which mentions possible undesirable reactions during its use, can cause allergies and heartburn. The purpose of the drug is not performed with increased individual sensitivity to the components that make up its composition, as well as patients suffering from liver diseases and alcoholism. Contraindicated taking the drug in the presence of craniocerebral injuries. Patients with heart failure, which is chronic and decompensated, should not use the drug.

Pectusin (syrup) can be given to childrenonly from the age of three. It is not recommended to prescribe a medication to pregnant women. With caution in some cases recommends the use of the drug "Pectusin" instruction. The syrup contains ethyl alcohol and sucrose. Therefore, its use should be under constant control in childhood and in the presence of diabetes.

In connection with the presence of the drugAbsolute alcohol, during the course of treatment the patient must be careful, sitting behind the wheel of the vehicle, as well as doing work that requires increased attention and immediate reaction.

The drug is taken orally after a meal, as the drug may cause a decrease in appetite.

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