/ / The drug "Pantogam" for children will help cope with nervous disorders

The drug "Pantogam" for children will help cope with nervous disorders

For all parents, the health of their children is very important.Today, in the turmoil of everyday life, infants are infected not only with infectious diseases, including viral diseases. There are also nervous disorders. There is a fairly large number of drugs that help cope with this ailment. However, it is best to choose "Pantogam". For children it fits best and does not do any harm to the growing body.

This drug belongs to nootropics, whichhelp to overcome many problems related to the processes of metabolism in the brain. A huge number of children today suffer from asthenia or hyperactivity. And all this is accompanied by increased anxiety, headaches, dizziness and even loss of sleep and appetite. In this case, it is necessary to give "Pantogam" to children.

Устранить судороги, нормализовать сон, а также to correct the metabolism in the brain can this drug. It is often prescribed after cerebral contusions, concussions or patients with cerebral palsy and epilepsy. Even at the age of up to one year they appoint "Pantogam" to children. Reviews about this medicine can only be heard positive. After all, it effectively fights many problems.

"Pantogam" for children. Indications for use

The doctor prescribes "Pantogam" for many disorders. Among them there are neurotic, as well as the consequences of brain injuries, if there are lesions of an organic nature.

When schizophrenia is also prescribed to take itmeans. Especially if there is cerebral insufficiency. If there is a manifestation of hereditary nervous diseases, then it will help "Pantogam". Among such diseases are allocated Huntington's chorea, Parkinson's disease, etc.

The drug is also prescribed for those who havepsycho-emotional overload. Today it occurs very often. At the same time, low performance is observed both physically and mentally.

Epilepsy can cause the appointment"Pantogama." Breasts are prescribed a drug in case of delay in development or with encephalopathy. Neurosis-like condition also requires certain drug support. Babies the drug is given in the form of a sweet syrup. Children older than 3 years take "Pantogam" already in tablets.

ДЦП – это одно из заболеваний, при котором necessarily doctor prescribes "Pantogam." Problems with motor activity, mental development or behavioral disorders are also treated with this nootropic agent.

There are also contraindications to the use of "Pantogam".It is a kidney disease, especially in an acute form. You can not be treated with a drug for pregnant and lactating women. Finally, with increased sensitivity to the remedy, it is also better to refuse it.

In no event can you apply yourselfthis medicine. For each particular organism the agent has an individual effect. Therefore, it is worthwhile to consult a doctor who can prescribe an acceptable dosage.

"Pantogam" for children. Dosage

The drug is always taken only inside.This happens after a meal. Adults can take up to 1 g at a time, and no more than 3 g per day. Babies are not recommended to use a dose of more than 0.5 g. A full course of drug treatment usually ranges from 1 to 4 months. In rare cases, you have to take the drug for half a year. If necessary, after 6 months, you can again conduct a course of drug treatment.

"Pantogam". Side effects

Allergies may occur when taking Pantogam.This is a skin rash, rhinitis or even conjunctivitis. There may be side effects from the nervous system. In this case, there is noise in the head and sleep disorders. Usually these manifestations are intermittent, therefore, cancellation of funds is not required.

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