Means that help fight the cold,occupy the first place in popularity among other medicines. Such formulations can be used in the form of sprays, drops, ointments. Also formulations for oral administration are known - Angrimax, Kombigripp (syrup) and so on. A feature of the described drugs is that they contain phenylephrine, which eliminates the abundant separation of mucus, facilitates breathing and relieves the symptoms of colds.
In this article we will talk about the drug "Akvalor"(drops, spray). This medication is injected directly into the nasal sinuses. Next, you will learn about the features of the application of the tool and will be able to study its analogs.
Drug "Akvalor" is a spray.It includes natural sterile hypertonic sea water. The content of sodium chlorine in it is from 19 to 23 g / l. Also here there are useful compounds of selenium, iodine, potassium, magnesium, calcium, zinc, iron and so on.
The drug is available in several different forms. Depending on the age of the patient and the nature of the pathology, you can choose the individual form of the medicine:
In fact, it's quite easy to choose a drug that is right for you. However, doctors are advised to visit the doctor in advance and get an appointment.
Many patients in the appointment of treatment are trying tosave. This is not always justified. However, the drug "Akvalor" has a cheap analog. If we talk about the method of administration of the drug, it will be "Physiomer". It is also made on the basis of sea water and sprayed with a shower. "Aqualor" (spray) has an average cost of 370-400 rubles for a volume of 125 milliliters. The medicine "Physiomer" will cost you 320 rubles. However, the volume of the vial will be already 135 milliliters.
With Akvalor, a cheap analogue can be found inas a normal spray or drops. The medicine "Marimer" can replace the described means. Its cost is only 10-20 rubles cheaper than the claimed composition.
Alternative to expensive "Akvalor" can become"Aquamaris". This medicine has the form of drops, spray and shower. The last two forms of the drug cost about 200 rubles per 100 milliliters. Drops will cost you only 120 rubles.
The drug "Akvalor" cheap analogue, whichonly you can find among all the substitutes - saline solution. Its cost is about 50 rubles per 500 milliliters. However, this medication is not dispersed in the form of a shower. It can be poured or buried in the nasal passages. Many consumers say that the essence of treatment does not change from this. Whether this is true, learn further.
The original drug "Akvalor", a cheap analog(any of the foregoing) is prescribed for a runny nose and for prevention purposes. Sea water perfectly cleanses the nasal passages from mucus, bacteria and viruses. Also described means help cope with allergic reaction, remove dried crusts, cleanse sinuses.
Formulations are used for viral and bacterialrespiratory diseases. More often it happens in complex therapy. Preparations are indicated for the relief of breathing, elimination of edema. All described means, including "Akvalor", contribute to improving immunity.
The drug "Akvalor", the Russian equivalent or anya substitute with the same composition is not assigned with increased sensitivity to the components. The drug is well tolerated by patients and has virtually no limitations. The manufacturer only reports that for each age and with a certain symptomatology the individual form of the drug should be selected. So, for example, a medicine with a strong pressure (jet) can not be used in infants. Always study the instructions and follow it carefully.
How correctly to use the described preparation? After you have purchased the composition, pay attention to the annotation. There is detailed instructions and algorithm for using the drug:
If it so happened that you are inpublic place and there was a contact with the sick, then the composition is injected into each nostril for one second. For the convenience of this application, small vials of the described medication are provided.
Always be guided by your own symptoms.If you need to make the hygiene of the nose and clean it of microbes, then you will be well suited shower. When a patient complains of the formation of dry crusts (which is often the case with atrophic rhinitis), then this form of medication may be impotent. It will take a drug sprayed with a stream. This form of medicine will perfectly remove all excess scales and purify the sinuses.
There is a drug "Aqualor" for children.This is a drug that is allowed to use from the first days of life. It should be noted that the drug is absolutely harmless. However, you need to apply it correctly.
If it is necessary to rinse the tip of the baby, thenPrepare an aspirator in advance. With this device you can remove the injected liquid and clean the nose of mucus and pathogens. Read what is stated in the instructions. Many drugs can not be sprayed directly into the nose. The manufacturer recommends that the composition be instilled using the supplied pipette. After the procedure, remove the accumulated liquid in the nozzle.
Often the buyer faces a question:what to buy - "Akvalor" or "Aquamaris"? Doctors say that the composition of these medicines is the same. The method of application can also be selected individually. Both compositions can be applied in the form of a spray shower. In addition, "Aquamaris" is in the form of drops.
Patients say that after useThe original composition and its analogues improve breathing. The nose is cleaned of mucus and microbes, the inner shell is moistened. All this contributes to the strengthening of the body's immune defense. Eliminate such annoying symptoms as sneezing and stuffiness. There is no need for vasoconstrictor drugs. Doctors consider this the main advantage of the described medicine, since drugs with vasoconstrictive action can cause addiction and side effects.
You learned about the drug "Akvalor".In the pharmacy network it can be purchased without a doctor's prescription. It is worth noting that this group of compounds doctors recommend to everyone. There are no restrictions at all. The medicine does not contain preservatives and chemicals. Use the product "Aqualor" for your own pleasure and always be healthy!