The flatulence, the treatment and symptoms of which will be inthis article examined, the disease is not so rare. The whole point is that gases constantly accumulate in the gastrointestinal tract. Symptoms of this disease can appear in a completely healthy person who has eaten too tightly. Constant flatulence can cause a lot of discomfort, especially mental. Flatulence, the treatment of which is compulsory, can make a person complex.
Gas in the gastrointestinal tract accumulates for various reasons. Here are the main ones:
A healthy person in the stomach can contain up to two hundred milliliters of gas. In general, a day in the body it is produced up to twenty liters.
That unpleasant smell that has a secretedintestinal gas, is due to compounds such as hydrogen sulphide, scatol, indole. All of them are formed in the large intestine. This happens all under the influence of microflora on the remnants of undigested food. Gases that accumulate in the large intestine are a foam consisting of small bubbles. All these bubbles are covered with mucus.
What are the causes of flatulence?
They are different.It can occur even in a newborn. In this case, this is due to the imperfection of the enzyme system. Because of a lack of enzymes, too much undigested food gets into the large intestine. Of course, because of this, the processes of decay begin.
Problems with the enzyme system may arisedue to improper or unbalanced nutrition. The cause may be a disease of the digestive tract. Violation of the intestinal microflora also causes flatulence.
Если все в порядке, то практически все газы simply will be absorbed by the bacteria that exist in the gut. Flatulence, the symptoms of which will be described below, occurs when the balance between gas consuming and gas-producing bacteria is disturbed. Also, flatulence, the treatment of which is not always difficult, can occur due to stretching of the intestine, which often occurs after operations on the abdominal cavity.
Gas formation can result from consumptioncertain food products. First of all, we are talking about beans. They contain coarse fiber and are not digested badly. To the formation of gases lead products that cause fermentation (lamb), carbonated drinks and so on. With nervous disorders, as well as emotional overload, the peristalsis slows down, and smooth muscle cramps in the intestine begin.
Flatulence: Symptoms
With flatulence, bloating can be observed. There are also cramping pains. Almost always a person is sick, his appetite is reduced, there is diarrhea, vomiting. Possible constipation.
Вообще же метеоризм, лечение которого которого мы consider below, manifests itself in different ways. In some cases, the stomach swells, but the gases do not leave the intestine. In such cases, a person may experience severe pain.
Also, flatulence can be accompanied by a rapid release of gases. In this case, a person begins to experience severe psychological discomfort. Staying in society becomes problematic.
There are also extraintestinal symptoms of flatulence. This is a violation of sleep, mood swings, general weakness and so on.
How will get rid of flatulence?
The main thing is to eliminate the cause of gas formation. In general, the following measures are being taken here:
It is recommended to monitor your weight - because obese people are much more affected by flatulence. Move more - this has a beneficial effect on the digestion of food.