The drug with the trade name "Argolife"sign is not all. However, this medication is often prescribed by specialists. On the means of "Argolife" instructions for use informs that it is used in cosmetology, otorhinolaryngology, pediatrics, therapy, gynecology, surgery. This medicine belongs to the universal. It has a wide range of activities.
What informs the user about the tool instructions for use? "Argolife" is a drop. They contain highly dispersed silver. It is this that determines the action of the drug.
The medicine is produced in glass containers of 10 milliliters. The instructions indicate that the active substance of the drug is silver colloidal 0.05%.
What the consumer says about the composition of "Argolife"instructions for use? Drops contribute to the removal from the mucous membranes and tissues of pathogens - viruses, fungi and bacteria. The main indications for the use of the medicine are inflammatory processes.
The drug is actively used in the diseaseENT-organs. Also, the medication can be prescribed for a lesion of the oral mucosa (gingivitis, stomatitis). Often the formulation is used as an antiseptic and applied directly to tissues and skin. The described drug has become widely used as a hygienic.
On the composition of "Argolife" instructions for usereports that it is well tolerated by most consumers. The agent almost never causes an allergic reaction. Therefore, it is widely used in pediatrics for the treatment of even the smallest patients.
Abstract states that a medicine is not worth itUse only with increased sensitivity to funds, which include silver. Also, the drug is not recommended for use among pregnant women and the fairer sex during lactation. In these cases, you need to discuss with the doctor in advance the dose and scheme of taking the drug.
A distinctive feature of the drug is that,that it can be applied in natural or diluted form. In the latter case, saline, salt solution or purified water is used to prepare the medicine. It is worthwhile to check with the doctor about the proportions that are used in this situation.
For the treatment of ENT diseases, the composition can beuse for rinsing. In this case, you need to take two tablespoons of the drug and dilute them in a glass of water. The resulting product gargle after each meal. Also, the medication is used to treat sinusitis, sinusitis and adenoids. In this case, drops are injected into the nasal cavity 2 doses three times a day.
In diluted form, the solution is used to accelerate the healing of wounds and abrasions. Prepare the liquid as described above. Disinfect the damage and gently lubricate the resulting medicine.
About the drug "Argolife" instruction says thatthe drug is often used in gynecology. From it, baths and douche preparations are prepared. In each case, the doctor gives individual recommendations for use.
The medicine can be buried in the eyes with various inflammatory processes (conjunctivitis, barley, corneal ulcer). It is worthwhile to dilute the medicine with water in a one-to-one ratio.
What do consumers say about the composition of "Argolife"?Instructions for use for children the drug allows you to use. Depending on the manifestations of the disease and the nature of pathology, the specialist individually chooses the method of application of the drug and its dosage. Most parents are happy with the treatment. The use of the described agent avoids the use of antibiotics, which strongly suppress immunity and undermine the digestive tract.
Experts are confident that thisthe medicine is safe. Some doctors call the drops "Argolife" a natural antibiotic, a natural antiseptic. Almost never a drug does not cause adverse reactions.
Consumers report an attractive pricemedicines. After all, a single vial of the drug costs from 100 to 200 rubles. In comparison with other antiviral and antibacterial compounds for the nose, this price is quite low. A popular substitute for the medicine are the "Protargol" drops. However, the lack of this drug in the ability to stain tissues. The drug "Argolife" also has a transparent color. It does not spoil things, tissues, skin. But do not forget that a high concentration of silver can quite severely dry the dermis and mucous membranes.
You got acquainted with the drug "Argolife".Instructions for use for children and adults are the same and presented to your review. The medication is effective and safe, however it does not mean that it can be used alone. Especially it is necessary to approach treatment of children of younger age. Consult doctors and, if necessary, combine drops of "Argolife" with other drugs. I wish you well-being and good health!