/ / Preparation "Bioparox" - instructions, application features, possible side effects

"Bioparox" preparation - instruction, application features, possible side effects

Antibacterial preparation Bioparox -An effective drug intended for topical use in the treatment of ENT organs. The active ingredient in it is fusafungine (lat. "Fusafungine") - a polypeptide antibiotic of local action, which, in addition, has anti-inflammatory properties and reduces the swelling of the mucosa of the upper respiratory tract.

Fusafungin, produced by fungi Fusariumlateritium, is active against staphylococci and streptococci, some strains of bacteria of the genus Neisseria, including the causative agents of meningitis, anaerobic bacteria, mycoplasma, fungi of the genus Candida. The therapeutic properties of this substance are often questioned, referring to their lack of evidence and the lack of appropriate clinical studies. Despite numerous skeptical statements containing fusafungin "Bioparox" preparation, the instruction to which describes in detail the indications for its use, has been successfully used in the treatment of colds and has proved to be an effective, effective remedy.

The preparation "Bioparox" is issued in the form ofdosage spray (aerosol) and is used for irrigation of the upper respiratory tract. In addition to fusafungin, its composition includes auxiliary substances, including aromatic: anise and wormwood oils, extracts of Rosemary flowers, clove buds, caraway seeds, field mint, etc. The drug contains ethanol. In one dose of the spray "Bioparox" (its amount sprayed for one injection) contains 125 mg of the drug, the package (canister) contains 400 doses. The course of treatment with "Bioparox" lasts up to seven days. Inhalations are performed every four hours, the drug is injected four times into each nostril or into the mouth, depending on the indications. Children's spray "Bioparox" instruction recommends spraying at intervals of six hours.

The use of the drug has its own specifics independing on the localization of inflammation. For example, in the treatment of rhinitis, sinusitis and rhinopharyngitis drug "Bioparox" abstract recommends sprayed into the nasal cavity, covering the mouth while breathing deeply of the drug - it is a guarantee of its penetration into the sinuses. When laryngitis, tonsillitis and pharyngitis, and after removal of the tonsils medicament sprayed into the oral cavity, taking a deep breath to irrigate it throat. Finally, in the complex treatment of tracheitis and bronchitis, the Bioparox preparation is also often used. Its application in this case is carried out in a similar way: the agent is sprayed into the oral cavity, inhaling deeply. Pre-cough to clear the airways of secretion. Removable attachments after each use of the drug are disinfected, wiping them with alcohol.

The preparation "Bioparox", the instruction to whichdetails its properties, is not absorbed into the bloodstream and does not have systemic effects on the body. It is completely excreted with the secret of the upper respiratory tract. As a rule, this drug is well tolerated by patients, but allergic reactions are possible: urticaria, a burning sensation in the nose and throat, itching, coughing and lacrimation. If you are addicted to allergies before using the drug, you should consult your doctor to avoid the most serious side effects - laryngospasm and anaphylactic shock. If you get a spray of Bioparox in your eyes, wash them with plenty of water.

This drug is not recommendedwithout the need to apply during pregnancy and lactation. In addition, like most other drugs in the form of aerosols, the drug "Bioparox" (the instruction emphasizes this) should not be used to treat children under two or three years of age due to the risk of developing bronchospasm.

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