Quite serious and extremely unpleasant pathology is the calcaneal spur. Which doctor treats this problem? First of all - a surgeon. However, about everything in order.
The disease is rather unpleasant, but not all doctorsprefer to see the cause in the violations of the work of internal systems and organs. Some nonprofessionals offer to write off everything for age, but statistics show: a spur can appear in childhood, youth, maturity, and in advanced years. Investigating the heel spur, the doctor usually diagnoses bone pathology, which is the source of pain.
In fact, the spur is such a growth, sproutingbone, which takes the form of a wedge, a spine. Nastrost provokes painful sensations. If at first the pain only hurts when walking, over time the disorder progresses and unpleasant sensations torment at rest. Carrying out studies of the calcaneal spur, the attending physician prescribes an x-ray examination, since only in this image can one reveal both the build-up itself and its characteristic features.
Before deciding which doctor to go with the heel spur, it is important to understand why the disease develops. The most frequently encountered factors provoking the problem are:
Which doctor heals the heel spur, if sheprovoked by the above factors? First of all, they go to the therapist who is treating the doctor, but almost always the specialist redirects to the surgeon. It is known that up to 90% of cases spurs diagnosed in those suffering from flat feet.
С возрастом ткани костей слабеют, что также provokes the development of various violations. Not the last among them is a growth in the form of a spike, that is, a spur. As the tissues are regenerated slowly, with difficulty, the situation with time deteriorates.
Often, information about which doctor healsheel spurs, is necessary for athletes and those who lead a very active lifestyle. This is due to an increased probability of spur development with regular overload. If a person is engaged in sports, but negligently refers to safety rules and restrictions on training, this provokes changes in bone tissue, most often expressed in the appearance of a spur.
Люди, страдающие лишним весом, также дают костной tissue that forms the bones of the limbs, an extra burden, albeit unconsciously, unlike athletes. Metabolic disorders in combination with high load indices quickly provoke wedge-shaped formations, and when walking, and then in a resting position, severe heel pains begin to torment. It is sad, but almost all overweight people know exactly which doctor heals the heel spur.
On how to treat the heel spur folkrecipes, many people know, suffering from unpleasant illnesses, negatively affecting the state of health in general. The most typical example is diabetes mellitus. The disease imposes serious limitations on both lifestyle and nutrition, and is accompanied by regular deterioration of well-being, degenerative processes and pathologies of various organs. Of their number - a spur.
In addition to diabetics, blockage of the calcaneal spur is not uncommonis required for those who have heart disease, circulatory system. Such violations affect the immunity, the general condition of the body, therefore, the probability of the appearance of a spur increases.
It's no secret that the disease is easier to treat ifto discover it at the very beginning. The spur will not be an exception: the earlier the therapy starts, the shorter the course and the higher its effectiveness. The very first symptom, hinting that it's time to visit a doctor - pain in the heel, accompanying the transfer of weight. The sensation is like this, as if by inaccuracy a person stepped on a nail.
The pain is due to the effect of growth on the boneon the surrounding skeleton of soft tissue. Bone formation squeezes surrounding tissue, affecting the nerves. When walking the discomfort becomes more pronounced.
Among the inhabitants there is an opinion:the stronger the pain, the greater the spur. In fact, there is no direct connection between sensations and the size of growth. As the doctors say, the pain is more associated with the affected point. Having learned which doctor is treating the heel spur, it is necessary to urgently visit a general practitioner or surgeon to reveal the exact position of the spur and the degree of neglect of the pathology.
Обычно утром болезненность ярко выраженная, но со time weakens. Peak comes at a time when a person gets up after a night of rest. However, in the late afternoon the discomfort is growing again. As time passes, the lump becomes bigger and bigger.
It is known that the treatment of heel spursthe shock-wave method gives good results, but it is impossible to sign up for a session right away, you first need to conduct a full examination and identify the features of the pathology. And for this you have to look for a really good doctor.
Usually patients visit the district physician,who writes out a referral for further treatment of the disease. As a rule, sent to the surgeon. Here, the leg is examined, an X-ray is taken in order to get maximum information about the growth. This allows you to choose the best method of treatment.
Treatment of heel spurs is widely known.shock wave method, but this is not the only possibility. The most modern version is ultrasound, although this technology has not been sufficiently developed. It is truly innovative, but not yet very accurate. In addition, quite a few contraindications are known for ultrasound, which limits the applicability of the methodology.
An alternative is radiation therapy.Resorted to x-ray radiation directed to the bone formation. With high efficiency indicators, the technique is good with minimal contraindications.
Quite a common option - lasertherapy. The technology is based on the following: when passing through the tissues of the human body, the laser beam relieves pain without removing the build-up. This technique is considered to be gentle, simple, but requires regular repeated courses of treatment.
Another option to get rid of discomfort -physiotherapy. As a rule, doctors prescribe a special massage and pick up gymnastic exercises, due to which the pain decreases and the quality of life returns.
However, if soft, non-invasive techniques do not give results, they prescribe an operation.
Usually spur grows from three to 12 millimeters. To eliminate the pain resort to popular methods. Known for their effectiveness against spurs:
Стоит понимать:folk recipes help in combination with medical measures to eliminate growth and in consultation with your doctor. Otherwise, there is a possibility of complicating the situation. As a rule, make compresses on the sore area, applying a bandage with crushed leaves or a bandage soaked in liquid, then put on warm socks. Compresses hold from 15 minutes to several hours (depending on the chosen remedy).
This method can be called the most famous.It is well established and effective against a variety of bone growths - large and small, localized in different places. In addition to good performance is painless.
The idea of technology is as follows:The infrasound wave acts on the affected part of the foot. Under the influence of the shock-wave method, calcium salts, whose crystals form a growth (spur), are loosened. Over time, the bone tissue is restored.
Osteopathy is another fairly well-known method.combat disease. The idea of it is to enhance the work of the internal organs, systems, which has a positive effect on bone tissue. In this case, the growths dissolve, seals go. Properly applied osteopathy techniques can improve the periosteum, including the supply of blood and nutrients to tissues.
It is important to consult a certified osteopath. To combine this treatment with other methods is not recommended. You should not resort to the means of traditional medicine.
Spur is a chronic disease,provoked by metabolic problems in the body and associated with overstrain of ligaments in the foot. To cure the spur once and for all is almost impossible task, at least for the time being, therefore almost all known methods of therapy are reduced to the elimination of pain.
Non-steroid medications have been proven to be quite effective in eliminating inflammation and pain. The specific option is chosen by the doctor, most often prescribing one of the funds from the following list:
All of these drugs are on sale.tablets, ointments, gels. They relieve pain, block inflammation, that is, they treat not the problem, but its manifestations. It is necessary to choose a means carefully, as each of the listed options has many contraindications. It is unacceptable to use these funds for long courses, and treatment is always carried out under the supervision of a physician.
Еще один эффективный подход к борьбе со шпорами – hormonal drugs. They are good against inflammatory processes, and therefore, quickly relieve pain in the damaged area. The right choice of hormone therapy allows you to block the growth of tumors. The most widely used means:
They are administered topically to avoid side effects. This is due to the high efficiency of the active substance.