The steam inhaler is a special device with which the fast and effective delivery of the drug to the upper respiratory tract is carried out.
Manufacturers of medical equipmentToday there are quite a lot of variants and models of these devices. Steam inhalers are considered the best assistants in maintaining a healthy skin and respiratory tract. These devices are used at home in the treatment and prevention of various ailments.
The steam inhaler is equipped with a special funnel that covers the nose and mouth. With this element, medicines, herbal infusions or aromatic oils enter the lungs in the form of steam.
These devices are simpleindispensable for people of such professions, as welders, singers, teachers. Steam inhalers are very effective not only in the treatment of diseases. With their help, immunity can also be strengthened.
Choosing a steam inhaler, it is necessary to take into account the age of the patient, the characteristics of his body. In addition, it is necessary to know for what purposes this device will be applied.
The steam inhaler is perfect for heating the upper part of the respiratory tract. In addition, it can be used to treat essential oils.
This device mustTo be present in a house where colds often occur. Conducting inhalations not only contribute to the alleviation of the nasopharynx and trachea, but also to liquefaction and excretion of sputum. Strengthen the effect of procedures can be using essential oils. However, before using them, you should make sure that they do not contain allergenic components.
It should be noted that steam baths are not onlyfavorably affect the state of the respiratory tract. As practice shows, inhalations contribute to a mild cleansing of the pores of the skin. This property is successfully used in beauty salons.
В зависимости от принципа работы, ингаляторы can also be compressor or ultrasonic. The latest models are compact, noiseless. This allows them to be used to treat children. It should be noted that ultrasound models, as a rule, are very costly. For them, you need to buy supplies (gels, special cups, other appliances). In this case, the compressor inhalers deliver less problems.
However, devices with a steam operating principle incompared with the above models are more accessible. In addition, these are the simplest devices for inhalation in the home. They are reliable and safe.
It should be noted that the vapors released during the heating of the drug penetrate deep enough into the respiratory tract. This ensures high efficiency of treatment.
In addition, inhalations contribute to raising the general tone of the body. This is especially true in the off-season.
Since the main impact is onthe upper region of the respiratory tract, then the procedure is advisable to use in the development of acute or chronic diseases of the paranasal sinuses, nasal cavity, inflammatory diseases of the pharynx and larynx, stomatitis.
According to some reports, one treatment procedure is comparable in its effect to a weekly course of taking tablets or injections.
Немаловажным преимуществом паровых моделей it is also possible to control the temperature of the escaping steam. In this way, you can customize according to your individual needs. However, it should be noted that the temperature of the steam will not exceed 37.5 degrees.