/ / ROE - norm and excess of norm

ROE - norm and excess of norm

RoE, or less commonly referred to as this type of laboratoryblood counts, ESR, displays the relationship between plasma protein fractions. Erythrocytes are special red blood cells that appear in the bone marrow. Their main function is the transfer of nutrients and oxygen along the human body. They live on average up to 4 months. Aging or breaking down, they go to the liver, where they die, and at this time in the bone marrow is a new stage of production of red blood cells. The blood ROE test is based on the possibility of erythrocytes in an environment that is deprived of the possibility of blood clotting, settling under the influence of gravitational forces.

Men and women have different ROE rates.For men 2 to 10 mm / h - the norm of ROE. The norm for women is from 1 to 15 mm / h. The indicator for women can be exceeded during pregnancy. And in children, the ROE of blood in its norm can be from -6 to 100 mm / h. In erythrocytes, the specific gravity is greater than that of plasma, for this reason, they settle slowly to the bottom of the tube. Basically, the speed with which they settle is due to the speed with which they stick together. But the main factor that affects the rate of their settling is the presence of a number of certain proteins in the blood, which can be the cause of any disease. Roe blood is determined in two ways - with the help of the capillary Panchenkov or in vitro, which corresponds to the method of Westergren. In general, the result obtained by Panchenkov's method will correspond to that obtained using the Westergren method. For more than 100 years, this laboratory analysis has been used as one of the methods for diagnosing the general state of health, and, in particular, as a method for detecting any inflammatory processes in the patient's body. More often, the increase in ESR in the blood - this is the first sign of acute or chronic infection, internal infarctions or immunopathological diseases. Also, ROE is growing because of the appearance of any malignant diseases.

However, a number of reasons have an increase in ESR.The norm is often exceeded during pregnancy, due to the use of certain medications. Excess of the norm may not be caused by any pathology - for example, due to vaccination or after a blood transfusion. However, there are often pathological reasons for the activation of ROE. The norm is exceeded - this is not a reason to diagnose a disease, it is rather an alarming sign, which should be paid attention. Only in combination with other painful signs, ESR can be an indicator of a particular disease. And although ROE is one of the fastest and most effective ways to check whether everything is in order in the body, only a diagnosis made on the basis of ESR and other symptoms can finally say about an illness. Often ROE is accelerated even on the first day of the disease. Therefore, we must pay attention to this acceleration. But, if there are no other symptoms in the examination, then the ROE does not say anything yet. The norm is exceeded slightly - a possible sign of anemia or hypoproteinemia. Also a slight excess is possible during menstruation.

In children, for example, the ESR of blood after a disease is notsays nothing. The fact is that the body of children is more sensitive than adults. After the disease for a long time in children, red blood cells can settle faster than necessary. And if a child has recently been ill with the flu, then his high ROE in the blood, most likely, will only state the fact of a recent illness. Therefore, in this case, parents should not worry. Within one - one and a half months after the child got to his feet after suffering ailment, most likely, the erythrocyte rate will decrease. But the recent disease is not the only harmless cause of the growth of ESR. Such reasons can also be: lack of vitamins, broken diet, cutting teeth. It is possible that the ROE in the blood was increased due to parasites, including helminths.

РОЭ крови у беременной женщины может быть как increased, and lowered, compared with typical indicators. In the body of a pregnant woman, there is a mass of various rearrangements, and chemical reactions. This is absolutely normal, that in pregnant women, higher than the usual women's ROE. The norm for pregnant women is up to 45 mm / h, sometimes more. In the first half of the period of pregnancy, ESR usually falls in most women, but it is possible that this indicator is increased during the same period. However, shortly before the birth, ESR in the blood of a pregnant woman can exceed the norm by three times.

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