/ / Pumpkin oil: useful properties and contraindications to consumption

Pumpkin oil: useful properties and contraindications to consumption

Pumpkin is not one century people grow andeat. This vegetable has a lot of medicinal properties and outstanding taste qualities. Pumpkin appeared in Russia in the 16th century and firmly took its place in traditional Russian cuisine. No less useful are her seeds, which contain up to 40% of valuable vegetable oil. For the first time it was made from pumpkin seeds in Austria by hand, and initially it was sold only in pharmacies.

pumpkin oil useful properties and contraindications

The unique composition has a pumpkin oil, usefulproperties and contraindications (very few) allow to call it "green gold". The cost of a glass of this product in the Middle Ages was equal to the price of a ring of gold. And today pumpkin oil is not a cheap product. The technology of its manufacture is very laborious, but this is what allows us to save the greatest amount of useful components.

Composition of oil from pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds produce an oil that containsmany easily digestible proteins, about 50 macro and microelements, vitamins A, C, P, E, F, K and group B. In addition, it contains chlorophyll, phytosterols, phospholipids and flavonoids. The composition of the oil also includes linolenic and linoleic acids, the presence of which is very important for the human body.

Pumpkin oil: useful properties and contraindications

This vegetable oil is primarilyhas a beneficial effect on the digestive system, heart and blood vessels, endocrine and nervous systems. It is able to purify the body of carcinogens, toxins and toxins, strengthen immunity, normalize the hormonal background.

than useful pumpkin oil
Its components are involved in protein and fatexchanges, hematopoiesis, the synthesis of insulin - that's what is useful for pumpkin oil. The drug stabilizes blood pressure, promotes rhythmic work of the heart. Pumpkin oil is useful to use in a complex of medical measures for hypertension, arrhythmia, anemia, atherosclerosis, ischemic disease.

The agent is often prescribed for hepatitis, fatliver dystrophy and treatment of cholecystitis. In cholelithiasis, pumpkin oil is also used, useful properties and contraindications which require caution in this case, since they can cause movement of stones.

Gastric ulcer, gastroduodenitis, colitis, enterocolitisare indications for receiving this remedy. Light laxative effect of oil will help in the treatment of flatulence, constipation, in the fight against helminthiases. Soothing action gives a positive result in the treatment of headaches, insomnia, nervous disorders.

Both the seeds themselves and their oil are used by the people fortreatment of the urinary system, male and female sexual ailments. The oil improves spermatogenesis, strengthens the erection, has a beneficial effect on the prostate gland. It is used to alleviate menopause and PMS, normalize ovulation, treat infertility.

Pumpkin oil: application

Consumer Reviews and Contraindicationsbe sure to study before starting treatment, where as the main means will be used this oil. Do not interfere with the doctor's consultation on this issue.

In most cases it is necessary to take three timesa teaspoon of pumpkin oil a day. It is drunk 1 hour before meals or after 2 hours after eating. You can not drink pumpkin oil with water. The course of admission is from two weeks to one month.

pumpkin oil application reviews
Deciding to use pumpkin oil, useful properties and contraindications it must be studied in detail in order to obtain the maximum positive effect from its use.

The bactericidal effect of the product makes it possiblesuccessfully fight against dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, fungal diseases of the skin, herpes, insect bites, as well as traumatic wounds and burns. In these cases, the internal reception is combined with the external. Damaged skin areas are washed with soap and oiled with pumpkin oil 4 times a day. Continue for 1 month.

The negative influence of pumpkin oil canBe observed when the dosage is exceeded and the reception scheme is violated. In some people, there is an individual intolerance of the seed from this vegetable. When used by people suffering from cholelithiasis and diabetes, a doctor's consultation is required.

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