/ / What pressure is considered low? Hypotension. Faint state

What pressure is considered low? Hypotension. Faint state

Обычно, когда человек по каким-либо причинам refers to a therapist, they measure pressure. This is one of the main indicators of health. Most often, the doctor should be concerned about his increase. If it is lowered, then usually it is not focused, as this state does not cause concern. Existing regulations are conditional. And each person has his own. But what pressure is considered low? There is no single answer to this question.

Normal pressure normally has the followingindicators: 120/80 mm Hg. If these numbers are slightly reduced, then this is not considered a pathology. After all, many people have a working pressure of 100/70 or 90/60. However, they feel great and do not make any complaints. Thus, low blood pressure is considered when a person feels unwell at a mark below 120/80.

what pressure is considered low

Blood pressure by age

Human physiology textbooks contain informationthat pressure 120/80 is considered normal. Such an indicator is typical for an individual of middle age (20-40 years) in a state of rest. Still relatively recently, for people aged 40-60, 140/90 was considered normal pressure. However, since 1999, according to WHO, 110-130 / 70-80 mm are considered to be optimal indicators for all ages. Hg st. For a person aged 16–20 years, the pressure rate allows for a slight decrease in the values ​​of the upper and lower values. And is at rest 100/70 mm. Hg st.


Symptoms of hypotension

If a pressure below normal is considered natural,it is unlikely that a person will experience any symptoms requiring treatment. However, there are situations in which blood supply to the brain or other organs is insufficient. And this leads to the fact that a person has the following symptoms:

  • dizziness;
  • feeling of loss of balance;
  • darkening in the eyes;
  • confusion of consciousness;
  • weakness;
  • pre-fainting condition;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • fainting;
  • feeling nauseous.

Such signs may indicate the manifestationother diseases. But if there are more than three of them, then it is safe to say that a person has low blood pressure. Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis.

Causes of hypotension

It is known that high pressure that holdsalmost every day, can greatly harm the body. Hypotension is also an unpleasant phenomenon. But not always she points to health problems. There may be physiological hypotension, in which a person feels great, works fully and does not complain about anything.

Pathological hypotension delivers the individualbig trouble. Who suffers from such low blood pressure? Most often these are people who have been subjected to prolonged stress for a long time, as well as experiencing mental stress. A small physical activity and a sedentary lifestyle are capable of provoking such a state, as the heart function deteriorates because of this, the ventilation of the lungs decreases, and other negative consequences occur.


Hypotension also occurs inif a person works in hazardous conditions. This includes working underground, in conditions of high humidity and at high temperatures. In addition, low blood pressure causes some diseases of the cardiovascular and central nervous systems, thyroid, and respiratory organs. Quite a lot of hypotension can be found among athletes. In this case, such pressure and a rare pulse is considered to be a protective reaction of the body to physical exertion, which is carried out regularly.

How is hypotension diagnosed?

What pressure is considered low?To find out, carry out daily monitoring. If during the day it did not rise above 90 by 60, then we are talking about hypotension. In addition, the doctor must prescribe additional examinations to identify pathology, the symptoms of which is hypotension. Among such diseases, there are tumors, anemia, atherosclerosis of blood vessels, etc. In this case, hypotension is symptomatic or secondary. And the primary disease should be treated.

What is the danger of low pressure?

Physiological hypotension is not dangerous in itself.But with its regular occurrence, the body can begin to try to raise these numbers to normal, which provokes the development of hypertension. And since it takes many years, the pressure begins to increase in old age.

90 to 60

Pathological hypotension may signalheavy pathological process proceeding in an organism. This may be bleeding of the stomach or intestines, anaphylactic shock, acute myocardial infarction, a decrease in the function of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands. Often it is hypotension - the only symptom of these diseases. If low blood pressure is the result of autonomic dysfunction of the nervous system, the following conditions may occur:

  • Sharp loss of consciousness, because of which you can easily get hurt.
  • Violation of movement coordination.
  • Heart failure.
  • Decreased memory and visual acuity.

pressure below normal

Hypotension treatment

Having figured out how much pressure is consideredlow, should proceed to treatment. There are not so many drugs that increase it. The most popular drugs are Citramon, Pantocrinum, Caffeine Sodium Benzonate, Ginseng, and Eleutherococcus. With their regular admission occurs an effective increase in pressure. If symptoms of hypotension occur, consult a general practitioner. He will select the necessary drugs and prescribe the appropriate treatment. In no case can not prescribe their own medicines. Otherwise, the likelihood of complications.

blood pressure by age

What to do with hypotension?

At low pressure, it is necessary to exclude the presence of diseases. In the absence of them, it is recommended to adhere to the following tips:

  • It is necessary to get enough sleep. And the night rest should last 8-9 hours. In case of violation of this process, you can take medication, normalizing a full sleep.
  • После пробуждения нельзя резко вставать, так как you can suddenly lose consciousness. You should first hold a light warm-up of arms and legs, then take a sitting position for a few minutes and only then get up.
  • It is recommended to carry out hardening and water procedures.
  • It is useful to play sports and move as much as possible.
  • Need to eat right and be sure to have breakfast.
  • In the morning, 7-10 minutes can be devoted to charging.

If a person has pre-faintingcondition, you need to lay it down and lift your legs. The head should be positioned slightly below the body. This should increase blood flow to the brain. After that you should massage your neck and apply a cold compress to your forehead. Such actions help to increase the pressure.


Таким образом, мы разобрались с тем, какое pressure is considered low. This pathological condition occurs when the numbers below 90/60. Sometimes people with hypotension feel great, but most still experience discomfort. Independently to raise pressure is strictly forbidden, since it can very badly affect the state of health. Only a doctor should prescribe adequate treatment.

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