Inflamed pancreas does not deliver induodenal ulcer enzymes. Aggressive substances, designed by nature to digest fats and carbohydrates, accumulate and begin to erode the tissue of the pancreas itself. As a result, toxins are released, spread with blood throughout the body, cause other complex diseases. It is important to establish a diagnosis in time and get qualified help.
Pancreas, treatment. Patients with acute pancreatitis are treated in hospitalsunder the supervision of doctors. Over time, patients who have problems with the pancreas become chronic, under the guidance of an experienced nutritionist, successfully adapt to the new state of the body. Patients who strictly follow the doctor's recommendations for many years after the attack do not worry about the pancreas. Treatment begins with the elimination of pain. For the cleavage of substances coming with food, enzyme therapy is prescribed. Recently, the formulations of granules have replaced tablets. This form of the drug is considered more effective. With often worsening chronic pancreatitis, enzymes are prescribed by long courses, in special cases up to 3 months, 2 times a year. In the diet excluded for the first time the content of animal fats. If necessary, refrain from eating complex carbohydrates.
Pancreas, treatment with diet
Nutrition is aimed at reducing the number of kilocalories to 1800. It is possible to use proteins of animal and vegetable origin in a ratio of 1 to 2. Animal fats are reduced to a minimum.
From the diet exclude those products that can cause gassing in the intestine, contain a lot of fiber, excite appetite.
General scheme of diet:
proteins need 80 grams,
vegetable fats - 40-60 grams,
carbohydrates - 200 g,
liquid - 1,5-2 l,
salt - 8-10 g.
The nutritionist takes into account the optimal combination of minerals and vitamins.
Pancreas, treatment, recommended foods
Large pieces of food can damage the mucous membrane of the digestive system, so the products are finely ground or if necessary rubbed into a blender.
Preparation of food for patients with pancreatitis is directed to steam processing, cooking in water and baking. The temperature of the dishes should be close to the normal temperature of the human body.
The amount of liquid drunk per day is inthe limits of 1.5 liters. As a drink you can use a decoction of wild rose berries, juices without the addition of sugar in the absence of contraindications. Juices are recommended to dilute with water if the pancreas hurts. People have learned how to treat pancreatitis with tomato and potato juice for a long time. Take 300 g of potatoes and 200 g of carrots. It is better if the vegetables are young. The resulting juices are mixed, take 200 g of the mixture once a day. Time is chosen so that until the food remains an hour. After taking the juice, you need to lie down for about 30 minutes. Treatment schedule: a week to take the juice according to the above instructions, then take a break for a week. So 3 courses.
During treatment, you can drink weak tea with lemon, preferably without sugar. Any sour-milk drinks can be consumed, if there is no intolerance.
Exclude freshly baked pastry. Preference is given to breadcrumbs in case of pancreatic disease. Treatment implies the use of vegetable soups, dressed with butter or sour cream.
In the eggs, restrict the yolks. You can eat a day not more than half a heart, but the omelet is made from two proteins without danger to health.
It is recommended to cook lean beef, veal, rabbit meat, chicken, turkey.
Welcome to the diet of a patient with pancreatitis fish and mashed cereals.