/ / Can I prescribe myself an ointment from lichen?

Whether it is possible to appoint or nominate to itself ointment from depriving?

Lishay is a disease of a fungal or viralnature. Many are panically afraid of the word itself. But most types of this disease are successfully treated. The doctor will write a suitable ointment from the lichen, you just need not be lazy to rub it daily into the affected areas of the skin.

The causes of the disease can bemany, they can act in a complex. For example, a large role is played by living conditions (the more dirt, the more likely to catch an infection), the disease can begin simply because of infection, when immunity is reduced. In case of serious illnesses, when the resistance of the organism to various infections noticeably decreases, internal reserves may not be enough to cope with the attack of pathogens. Can affect and endocrine diseases. More often, it affects children.

Lichen can be transmitted by close contact withman to man. When the first suspicious symptoms appear, it is better to immediately consult a dermatologist. Symptoms that are typical for almost all types of lichen: the discoloration of some areas of the skin, their peeling and itching. Do not always help only ointment from lichen, often need a comprehensive treatment, so go to the pharmacy and buy an antifungal agent - this is not an option. The same medicine can be very effective in one kind of fungus and useless - for another. A specific pathogen can only determine a laboratory test.

You can take some measures yourself.It is desirable that the patient avoid close contact with others, it is also possible to use means that increase immunity to help the body cope with a fungal disease. But directly the ointment from depriving correctly appoint only a doctor.

What microorganisms can cause lichen

There are three types of fungi that can causedeprive a person: zooantropophilous (which can be transmitted from animals), anthropophilous (which can live only on human skin) and very rare geophylic (they can be transmitted by contact with the ground).

Usually our immune system is able to cope with the infection itself, if it works normally. Otherwise, she will have to help, then the ointment from the lichen, which the doctor writes out, comes to the rescue.

What is lichen and what is it treated for?

Multicolored (pityriiform) lichen forms onbody stains of different sizes and shapes. Usually, these are oval or roundish spots that differ in color from the surrounding skin. The disease can last for years, spreading to the chest, shoulders, abdomen or back. The spots can be slightly flaky. This type successfully heals ointment from discarding colored "Exoderyl" or antifungal cream "Clotrimazole". It is very important not to interrupt the treatment started, even when the symptoms disappear, you must continue it for at least two more weeks.

Red flat lichen can affect and nailplates, and mucous membranes. Places of lesion are usually covered with flat nodules of red color, and on mucous membranes they have a pale pink color. This type of disease is always accompanied by severe itching. Red flat lichen often affects women aged 40 to 60 years, as well as people with diseases of the bile duct and liver, digestive tract, suffering from diabetes. This type of disease is treated more easily than others, even an ointment from lichen may not be needed. A set of therapeutic measures aimed at strengthening immunity and preventing the infection of another infection is usually carried out.

To eliminate the itch, prescribe antihistaminespreparations: "Tavegil", "Loratadin", "Zirtek". Treat red lichen planus with corticosteroid preparations "Diprospan", "Prednisolone", as well as ointments "Advantan", "Celestoderm" also based on corticosteroids, immunomodulators "Decaris", "Reaferon" and polyvitamins.

Ringworm disease is enoughserious to treat it yourself. And the most unpleasant thing is that this particular type is more common in children. Considering that all antifungal medicines are absolutely not harmless, ointment from depriving for children should be prescribed only by a doctor.

Somewhat apart from the rest is shingles, because it is caused by viruses that are in the body all the time, which only with weakened immunity make themselves felt.

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