/ / Drops in the ear for otitis treatment

Drops in the ear for otitis treatment

In children and adults,a disease like otitis, which is an inflammatory process that can affect various areas of the ear. To get rid of this disease as soon as possible, you need to contact an otolaryngologist. Only a doctor can prescribe the correct and effective treatment in this situation. Usually drops are recommended in the ear, as well as warming compresses. In addition, broad-spectrum antibiotics may be prescribed.

droplets in the ear
When otitis occurs

Most often, this disease occurs whencatarrhal complications or if the middle ear has an infection. The cause of the appearance of this disease may also be an ear trauma or an allergy. In general, there are a lot of factors that can influence the onset of otitis media. It can be chronic diseases of the nose, viral infections associated with the respiratory tract, infections of the middle ear, sudden changes in atmospheric pressure, and also - weak or unformed immunity. Symptoms of otitis include: fever, severe pain in the ears, dizziness, hearing loss, vomiting. The disease can occur in various forms - chronic, prolonged and acute. Depending on this treatment is prescribed, it is often recommended to use drops in the ear. There are several types of diseases (external, middle and otitis with perforation), so in each specific case, completely different medications can be prescribed.

drops in the ear with otitis
Ear drops for otitis treatment

All medicines that are drops in the ear can be divided into groups:

1. Combined drugs that contain glucocorticoids - "Anauran", "Sofrax", "Polidex".

2. Monopreparations - "Otipaks", "Otinum".

3. Preparations with antibacterial properties - "Normaks", "Tsipromed".

• The drug "Anauran".It is a drop in the ear, when otitis is prescribed, if the disease has a chronic or acute form. Bury the medicine with a pipette. For adults, the dosage is 5 drops, the procedure is carried out twice a day. For small patients - 3 drops three times a day. It should be noted that for children and women during pregnancy this medication is prescribed only in extreme cases. When using the medicine "Anauran" may appear such side effects as itching, burning and flaking in the area of ​​the auditory canal.

• "Otinum" preparation - ear drops.When otitis is prescribed in the case that the patient has an inflammation of the middle ear. Bury the medicine in the ear canal three times a day. These drops are contraindicated for those people who have a tympanic membrane with any defects, since in this case the drug can cause hearing damage.

• The drug "Normax".These drops in the ear have an antibacterial effect, they are used for the treatment of external otitis, and also for the chronic and purulent degree of the disease. The use of medication can provoke side effects: burning, itching, skin rash, and Quincke's edema.

ear drops with otitis
All of the above drugs can only be prescribed by a specialist, if you have an allergy, stop using the medicine and seek medical help.

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