Гипервентиляционный синдром — это довольно редкое pathological phenomenon, which is accompanied by a number of changes on the part of the psyche and somatic systems. The primary cause is a change in the ventilation of the lungs and disruption of the work of respiratory centers, which become too sensitive to the content of gases in the blood.
Hyperventilation syndrome and its causes
Существует ряд факторов, которые могут влиять на the development of this syndrome. It can arise as a result of external and internal intoxications, as well as somatic lesions of some parts of the nervous system. In addition, various kinds of disruption in the endocrine system, as well as disruptions in the metabolism can lead to the appearance of this disease. Nevertheless, in the overwhelming majority of cases, the causes of the disease are psychogenic and in one way or another are associated with impairments in the work of the psyche.
Hyperventilation syndrome: symptoms of the disease
Symptoms of this disease are quite diverse, and can appear both during seizures and be present all the time. Nevertheless, disease crises have some similar characteristics.
An attack begins from the appearance of an inexplicablepanic fear. Breath is lost, the rhythm of respiratory movements is disturbed. It becomes difficult for a sick person to breathe, he does not have enough air, in some cases there are even attacks of suffocation. In addition, there are disruptions in the cardiovascular system - mostly tachycardia and changes in blood pressure.
Hyperventilation syndrome affects the workpractically all systems of human organs, manifesting themselves as characteristic features. Such people constantly suffer from lack of oxygen - they open windows, spend a lot of time in the open air, avoid enclosed spaces and transport. From the gastrointestinal system, you can also notice some disorders - it is mainly nausea, bloating, increased formation of gases, frequent eructations.
With a similar disease, there are also problemsneurological nature. For example, such patients often lose consciousness. They complain about darkening in the eyes, temporary narrowing of the field of vision, dizziness, noises in the ears, heaviness in the head, unsteadiness of the gait. The psychic of such a person also works abnormally, as he always feels anxiety, strong fear, panic attacks of anxiety, which have no apparent causes.
It is possible to observe and symptoms from the sidemotor apparatus and skin. People with this diagnosis often complain of a strong inner trembling in the limbs, a tingling sensation in the skin, allergic reactions.
Hyperventilation syndrome and methods of its diagnosis
First of all, the doctor should familiarize himself with the patient's complaints, as well as with the genetic predisposition to mental disorders.
In addition, with such a disease observeda change in the pH of the blood, so the patient must necessarily carry out blood tests. If a patient is suspected of a disease, a hyperventilation test is usually prescribed. If a person breathes deeply for five minutes, then all the symptoms of an attack develop almost immediately. If, during an attack, the patient enters a small amount of carbon dioxide or causes him to breathe into the package, the attack goes away.
Hyperventilation syndrome: treatment
The process of treating the disease is always complex anddepends on the cause of its development. For example, if the development of such a syndrome resulted in mental disorders, then appropriate psychotherapeutic treatment is needed. In addition, the patient is prescribed a number of drugs that reduce nervous and muscular excitability. One of the most promising methods of treatment is special respiratory gymnastics, which allows a person to control respiratory movements, thus inhibiting the activity of respiratory centers.