/ Why are children's eyes festering? What to do?

For what reasons do children have festering eyes? What to do?

At least once in a lifetime, parents come acrosseye disease in their babies. Symptoms that indicate the occurrence of the problem are extremely unpleasant. It can be as a reddening of the conjunctival mucous membranes, swelling of the eyelids, and the secretion of pus.

children have festering eyes what to do
If children have festering eyes, what should I do? Let us consider in more detail what causes the purulent inflammatory process of the eyes, how it happens and whether it is possible to provide first aid to the child at home.

Why do children's eyes fester?

If the child is doing well with his health, histhe eyes are clear, the proteins are not red, the mucous membranes are pale pink. But as soon as you notice that the protein is flushed (even slightly), tear is increased, and in the inner corners of the accumulation of pus is formed - this gives rise to talk about the occurrence of conjunctivitis. Depending on the pathogen that provoked the inflammation, the disease has a viral, bacterial or allergic etiology. It often happens that with a cold or other viral infection, in addition to the typical symptoms, children have festering eyes. What to do in such situations? It is recommended to treat not only the underlying disease, but also to visit an ophthalmologist to confirm the diagnosis and to prescribe the correct treatment.

why do children's eyes fester
Various bacteria, getting into the body, alsocan cause an inflammatory process, which must be diagnosed and treated in a timely manner. These two types of conjunctivitis are infectious diseases, so the child should not contact other children until full recovery. And in the family circle it is necessary to strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene.

Because of any allergic reaction, it happens,that children have festering eyes. What to do? Allergic conjunctivitis can diagnose only a specialist. In such situations, one should not engage in self-medication, since the disease requires a specific approach. This type of disease is not considered infectious and does not require isolation of the patient from the collective of children's educational institutions.

the baby has a faint eye
Especially often are childrenof the breast. But not always the cause is conjunctivitis, when the baby has a festering eye. There is such a disease as dacryocystitis. It is caused by the obstruction of the canal, which is followed by a tear. Because of this, the inflammatory process begins, the eye turns red, swells and fester. Attentive parents should immediately visit a doctor, and not engage in self-medication. As a rule, the treatment of inflammatory processes of the eyes is reduced to washing them with hydrochloric, furacilin or other antiseptic solutions. Also, the doctor prescribes drops in the eye, which he chooses in view of the type of disease. With dacryocystitis, if the rinsing and instillation does not give the desired effect, the ophthalmologist can clear the tear duct with a special instrument. The procedure is very quick and painless for the baby, so it should not be feared.

It is worth noting that, whatever the reason,when children have festering eyes - what a doctor should decide what to do and how to treat it. After all, the health of our children is not a field for experiments. If there is no possibility immediately to get an appointment with a specialist, it is recommended to wash the eyes with a 2% solution of furacilin several times a day.

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