/ / Emerging capillaries on the face: what is it and how to cope with them?

Emerging capillaries on the face: what is it and how to cope with them?

You've probably met people who haveunnaturally red complexion? On closer inspection, it can be seen that the emerging capillaries (mostly on cheeks and cheekbones, but reddening may be in the nose, forehead, and chin) are also the cause.

The appearance of these veins is a manifestation ofa vascular disease of the skin called kuperoz. More often this affliction affects older adults, even older ones, but also very young girls (however, the boys too) sometimes have to face such an unpleasant phenomenon when these capillaries burst, turning into vascular sprouts that stand out sharply against the background of healthy skin. This brings people a lot of frustration about their appearance.

This occurs as a result of strengtheningblood circulation in small vessels, and under the pressure of connective tissue, individual sections of the vessels are pinched. From the frequent negative effects on unprotected skin of the face as external factors (temperature, climatic, etc.) and acting from the inside (for example, against the background of excessive alcohol addiction), the elasticity of the vessels decreases, they stretch, burst, become visible on the face, shine through the thin skin. (Most often, such capillaries on the face are observed in people with sensitive, thin skin).

Because of what the capillaries on the face begin to burst?

The presence of couperose indicates that you haveweak blood vessels, often this is a genetic feature of a person, but the circulation may be affected by hormonal changes during puberty, pregnancy, changes associated with metabolic disorders. Such bad habits, like smoking, drinking alcohol, overeating, can also aggravate the situation with your face, predisposed to couperose.

To burst the capillary on the face can, as it was alreadyit is said, under the influence of temperature differences, therefore it is undesirable for such people to abuse trips to the sauna, to bathe in the sauna (some people like to bark their face with a birch broom, which is generally counter-indicative in this case). No less negative impact on such sensitive skin is the wind and frost, especially since to hide the face from their impact in the conditions of the harsh winter, which is fierce in our latitudes, is more than problematic.

What to do if a person is exposed to this phenomenon and how to remove capillaries on the face?

Of course, if you have such a problem, then not all cosmetic means for skin care will suit you.

Cosmetologists and dermatologists warn thatpeople with couperose skin contraindicated drugs containing alcohol, you can not do rubbing your face with ice slices (instead, washing with cool water, herbal decoctions, soothing the skin) is shown. Women are urged with caution to make masks from fresh fruits and vegetables, because they contain skin irritating untreated acids. You will be advised to use special cosmetics and protect your face from ultraviolet radiation.

In addition, a dermatologist can offerto examine the work of the liver, because the skin primarily reflects the pathology that occurs in the internal organs. In order not to aggravate the situation, take the most out of your diet, spicy food, alcohol, limit the use of citrus and chocolate. Most likely, you should be cautious about the products of beekeeping, in any case, honey masks are not for you for sure.

In the arsenal of cosmetologists there are specialcosmetic procedures that help improve blood microcirculation and are designed to strengthen the walls of the vessels on the face, but only the experienced cosmetologist will help to choose the right method of influence.

If the process has already gone too far, thenavoid radical ways to eliminate cosmetic defects associated with ruptured capillaries. This can be, for example, pulsed phototherapy. However, to understand how such an intervention will react to your face, you should make a preliminary test. If the clinic or salon, where you turned, does not offer this, then do not take risks, look for another doctor. Also, if you have a capillary on your face, doctors can eliminate the consequences by electrocoagulation of the vessels.

Girls, do not be afraid, cosmetologists will removeproblem capillaries on the face quickly and not painfully, without exacerbating the situation, in addition, they will talk about the measures for further prevention and, if necessary, prescribe adequate treatment.

The main thing is to apply to well-established clinics!

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